Hiding Shipped lines In ProForma invoice - SSRS Report

I wanted to Hide any shipped lines from our pro-Forma invoice. And to set a visibility Condition for the relevant Row group in the SSRS report I want to use the OrderDtl.Openline, but it is not included in the Datasets.

I’m still learning the whole SSRS report building process and a bit confused how the Data sets are created. Do I have to first add the OrderDtl.Openline from the report data definition in order to use that field in the report builder? Right now it is excluded.

Yes, first you will need to uncheck ExcludeColumn in Epicor’s RDD. That will make the field available in SSRS. Then, in SSRS, you need to do 2 more things:

  • edit the SQL query of the dataset (I think it’s called OrderHed) and add the OrderDtl.OpenLine there (dataset properties → query)
  • add the new field to the field list (dataset properties → fields → add query field)

Great Thanks for that help!!

I tried including the the OpenLine, then since it was a system Data definition i couldn’t change it. I copied the Data definition, unticked exclude, changed the DD for this report style.

Now another problem, the group that I’m trying to hide is grouped by OrderLine, but i want to set visibility based on whether the line is Open or not. is this condition correct?

=IF(Fields!OpenLine.Value = false, true, false)

when i Do that i get this error message:

Any help is very much appreciated!!

I’m not sure you’re in the right place there. In the SSRS, you have multiple rows grouped by order line, so you either set the visibility for each, or you set it for the entire group. Last option sounds better:


=iif(Fields!OpenLine.Value = false, true, false)

Hi Thanks for the help, even when I have done exactly like you have shown I get that error. I event tried the Epicor default Proforma invoice as you have shown. I get the same error as I have shown earlier.

I Included the OpenLine in the data Source. And in the RDL file, under the OrderDtl dataset, I added the field. But in doesn’t get updated in the Query. When I copy the query and search for the field it’s not there.

It doesn’t get updated in the query automatically, you need to add it there. Also, after that, you’ll need to add it to the query field list too.

Thanks a lot that worked! appreciate all your help Mate!! I’ve achieved what I wanted!