Help with Service Connect SIMPLE workflow

That did it...Thanks for your help.

--- In, "Rob Bucek" <rbucek@...> wrote:
> I have quite often noticed that xml files output by a bpm action do not
> match the schemas of the corresponding BO/Method in the web services
> within service connect. I usually start by taking the xml output from
> the bpm and creating a new (importing it) schema and using that as my
> first input schema of my first conversion. Have you tinkered with
> anything like that yet?
> Rob Bucek
> Production Control Manager
> PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311
> Mobile: (715)896-0590
> FAX: (715)284-4084
> <>
> (Click the logo to view our site) <>
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of danny.shafer@...
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 9:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Help with Service Connect SIMPLE workflow
> I have Vista 8.03.409 and Service Connect 9.05.603. I am trying to
> create a very simple workflow and it will not work. I am hoping that
> someone here will be in a position to assist. I will tell you what I am
> trying to do and then give detailed steps to re-create my problem.
> I am trying to get an XML file that has 20 fields in it FTP'd over to
> our website for further processing. This XML is a subset of the Customer
> dataset and was mapped with the XSLT mapper. The fields are not the same
> in the output document.
> A post processing BPM was created that is tied to the Customer.Update
> method. This is processed synchronously and calls a SC workflow. In the
> workflow I have start, convert, post and finish.
> For the input schema in the conversion I picked the
> CustomerService.UpdateRequest, the output schema is one that I created.
> I created it by clicking generate schema, picking my output XML file
> that my website will ultimately consume, picked anyxml to anyxml for the
> conversion, and imported it into SC. I tried using the conversion
> ext2int.xsl (Standard conversion to SC internal format) and I received
> the error "dta node is not found after converting data to xml". After
> picking the output schema and input schema i went into the mapper and
> dragged fields from the customer dataset on the left to my output file
> on the right...these were under the dta heading (or maybe its called a
> node...not sure). Next, in the poster, I selected the output schema from
> the previous step and did a fixed ftp channel with all of my specifics.
> there are no sender or receivers specified because i was told it is not
> necessary when forwarded from a BPM into SC. For the conversion I picked
> stripEnv.
> The problem is that the file that is transferred to the website is in
> gibberish...I get a header but no information. I don' really understand
> what the information contained in the header really is or what is
> supposed to be there. I know that it seems to change based on the
> conversions that I choose on the FTP settings. If someone could send me
> a step by step that has the basics I would be really happy. I have the
> SC book and a lab but it doesn't refer to this topic specifically.
> Another person said that he could not get it to work either until he
> took the Customer dataset and output it to a file...he then had a
> subworkflow that monitored the directory and in this subworkflow he was
> able to map the data to the smaller file and output it to the FTP site.
> I don't see why I would need to do that. If somone could send me a
> document that describes some basics with schemas, conversions,
> envelopes, namespaces and encoding I would appreciate it....or maybe the
> steps to take to fix this problem with a brief explanation. The SC book
> just seems very general to me.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I have Vista 8.03.409 and Service Connect 9.05.603. I am trying to create a very simple workflow and it will not work. I am hoping that someone here will be in a position to assist. I will tell you what I am trying to do and then give detailed steps to re-create my problem.

I am trying to get an XML file that has 20 fields in it FTP'd over to our website for further processing. This XML is a subset of the Customer dataset and was mapped with the XSLT mapper. The fields are not the same in the output document.

A post processing BPM was created that is tied to the Customer.Update method. This is processed synchronously and calls a SC workflow. In the workflow I have start, convert, post and finish.

For the input schema in the conversion I picked the CustomerService.UpdateRequest, the output schema is one that I created. I created it by clicking generate schema, picking my output XML file that my website will ultimately consume, picked anyxml to anyxml for the conversion, and imported it into SC. I tried using the conversion ext2int.xsl (Standard conversion to SC internal format) and I received the error "dta node is not found after converting data to xml". After picking the output schema and input schema i went into the mapper and dragged fields from the customer dataset on the left to my output file on the right...these were under the dta heading (or maybe its called a node...not sure). Next, in the poster, I selected the output schema from the previous step and did a fixed ftp channel with all of my specifics. there are no sender or receivers specified because i was told it is not necessary when forwarded from a BPM into SC. For the conversion I picked stripEnv.

The problem is that the file that is transferred to the website is in gibberish...I get a header but no information. I don' really understand what the information contained in the header really is or what is supposed to be there. I know that it seems to change based on the conversions that I choose on the FTP settings. If someone could send me a step by step that has the basics I would be really happy. I have the SC book and a lab but it doesn't refer to this topic specifically. Another person said that he could not get it to work either until he took the Customer dataset and output it to a file...he then had a subworkflow that monitored the directory and in this subworkflow he was able to map the data to the smaller file and output it to the FTP site. I don't see why I would need to do that. If somone could send me a document that describes some basics with schemas, conversions, envelopes, namespaces and encoding I would appreciate it....or maybe the steps to take to fix this problem with a brief explanation. The SC book just seems very general to me.
I have quite often noticed that xml files output by a bpm action do not
match the schemas of the corresponding BO/Method in the web services
within service connect. I usually start by taking the xml output from
the bpm and creating a new (importing it) schema and using that as my
first input schema of my first conversion. Have you tinkered with
anything like that yet?

Rob Bucek

Production Control Manager

PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311

Mobile: (715)896-0590

FAX: (715)284-4084


(Click the logo to view our site) <>

From: [] On Behalf
Of danny.shafer@...
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Help with Service Connect SIMPLE workflow

I have Vista 8.03.409 and Service Connect 9.05.603. I am trying to
create a very simple workflow and it will not work. I am hoping that
someone here will be in a position to assist. I will tell you what I am
trying to do and then give detailed steps to re-create my problem.

I am trying to get an XML file that has 20 fields in it FTP'd over to
our website for further processing. This XML is a subset of the Customer
dataset and was mapped with the XSLT mapper. The fields are not the same
in the output document.

A post processing BPM was created that is tied to the Customer.Update
method. This is processed synchronously and calls a SC workflow. In the
workflow I have start, convert, post and finish.

For the input schema in the conversion I picked the
CustomerService.UpdateRequest, the output schema is one that I created.
I created it by clicking generate schema, picking my output XML file
that my website will ultimately consume, picked anyxml to anyxml for the
conversion, and imported it into SC. I tried using the conversion
ext2int.xsl (Standard conversion to SC internal format) and I received
the error "dta node is not found after converting data to xml". After
picking the output schema and input schema i went into the mapper and
dragged fields from the customer dataset on the left to my output file
on the right...these were under the dta heading (or maybe its called a
node...not sure). Next, in the poster, I selected the output schema from
the previous step and did a fixed ftp channel with all of my specifics.
there are no sender or receivers specified because i was told it is not
necessary when forwarded from a BPM into SC. For the conversion I picked

The problem is that the file that is transferred to the website is in
gibberish...I get a header but no information. I don' really understand
what the information contained in the header really is or what is
supposed to be there. I know that it seems to change based on the
conversions that I choose on the FTP settings. If someone could send me
a step by step that has the basics I would be really happy. I have the
SC book and a lab but it doesn't refer to this topic specifically.
Another person said that he could not get it to work either until he
took the Customer dataset and output it to a file...he then had a
subworkflow that monitored the directory and in this subworkflow he was
able to map the data to the smaller file and output it to the FTP site.
I don't see why I would need to do that. If somone could send me a
document that describes some basics with schemas, conversions,
envelopes, namespaces and encoding I would appreciate it....or maybe the
steps to take to fix this problem with a brief explanation. The SC book
just seems very general to me.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]