Help with BAQ

I’m working on creating a BAQ with logic that will either allow the quoter to complete without approval or stop the quote and send notification to approver that they have a quote to review and approve or not.

I’m new to Epicor and have done simple BAQs, this one if more complex. But if you can help get me started, I know I can replicate for other needs.

Thanks in advance.

Darren or Al as quoters

  • If Less than or equal to 10K, when Quoted button selected, Quoted button turns green

  • If greater than 10K when Quoted button selected, Quoted button turns yellow with warning message “approval required” then email sent to approver email.

Bob as quoters

  • If less or equal to 20K when Quoted button selected, Quoted button turns green

  • If great than 20K when Quoted button select, Quoted button turns yellow with warning message “approval required” then email sent to approver email.

Good Morning,

Are you confusing a BAQ ( Business Activity Query) with a BPM ( Business Process Management) ?. Through a BAQ you could put a calculated field to be a Yes/No if a condition exists. The BAQ in itself does not have buttons or actions ( Well It might but that is above my understanding, maybe custom methods from an Update-able BAQ) . A common approach seems to be to create a Data directive to catch the condition, if that condition exists, send an email and possibly in your case, change the approved on the quote to false.

Does this help ??


PS, Welcome to the Forum !!

Thank you for the welcome!

So I’m creating a BPM not BAQ? Any place that I can look at sample code/logic to get my mind primed on how to construct in Epicor

Thanks for being there for this Epicor newbee!

Do you have access to the Education Database ? I have not looked at ours for a while to see if there are any examples. There is a basic example in EpicorImplementation_UserGuide_102500 ( thats our version, replace with your version) . This document is available on EpicWeb. Also available on EpicWeb is EpicorICETools_UserGuide and EpicorCustomization_UserGuide.

Thank you

Do you know how to install components from the Solution Workbench? if so, If you can give me a couple hours, I can work up an example and send it to you.

Yes I can. AWESOME SAUCE!!! I…sniff…think you are my new best friend!

Sorry for the wait. Here is a small sample on the Part Table. It sends an email to someone if the net weight is > 100
SampleDataDir_Customer (43.3 KB)

This was developed in 10.2.500.10 so not 100 % it is reverse compatible if you are on an earlier version. Once you install the solution navigate to the data directive and put your email address in the appropriate spot.

you will have to do that for both of the Data Directives

Hope this can get you started


Thanks for this. Sorry for the delay I’ve been sick. Tested for Covid and waiting results. UGH Send good thoughts! Going to look this over!
Be well more later