Took me a while to find the right business object but through postings on the form I’ve used the tracing log to verify.
My goal is to only allow parts to be entered into a SO where the part is ready to be sold in just the one currently active site. I am determining the part as good to be sold by adding “PRT-AFM” to the part durometer field. If it contains that string then good to be sold. The BPM seems to be executing but produces an error. The error:
Try using SalesOrder.Update instead of MasterUpdate.
OR you could use a data directive instead… that way it will catch the problem no matter WHICH process created the line… for example, if you convert a QUote to an Order, it will not use the SalesOrder.Update or MasterUpdate. It uses a different method… but no matter what, the OrderDtl.Update WILL run as a data directive in either case.
Not quite but your post did help with looking at Microsoft c# regex posts. I think things were working but testing against parts I should be able to work with also produced an error.
Hypen in regex is a special character so most posts state to”escape” it. I now know how to search for characters formatted social security numbers now though!
Starting & ending " is required to enter a clause within the query in the BPM
/ is the start & end identifiers for regex
. matches any one character
* matches and number of characters
PRT is one half of the text string I want to find
. any one character
AFM the other half
.* any one then any number
So this will now match PRT-AFM but also
useful resource on this for building regex expressions
I have tried many different valid regex expressions to capture the hyphen but I am assuming Epicor does not recognise all of them. Also, being new to Regex it seems different programming languages have their own syntax.