HELP! Need to convert C# code snippet to VB for customization

I have this code snippet contributed by @klincecum in C# that he was very kind to provide. However, the customization where it needs to go is written in VB and VERY extensive, would be very time-consuming to convert. If ANYONE could help me get the code below converted to VB you would be a LIFESAVER!

//All should already be in client directory. Choose all files to see them.

using Ice.Lib.RestClient;
using Ice.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
private void epiButtonC1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
    string restApiKey   = "Your APIKEY Here";
    string libraryName  = "JMyers56";
    string functionName = "CallBAQ";		
    var functionInputParameters = new RestContent(
        baqName = "aaaa"

    var restClient = new RestClientBuilder()

    var response = restClient.Function.Post(libraryName, functionName, functionInputParameters, published: true);
    var responseJson = response.GetJsonResult();

    DataSet resultDS = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataSet>(responseJson["baqOutput"].ToString());

    epiUltraGridC1.DataSource = resultDS;

Have you tried chatgpt? It’s very good at this type of request.


haha I just did this with Bing!

Imports Ice.Lib.RestClient
Imports Ice.Core
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Private Sub epiButtonC1_Click(sender As Object, args As System.EventArgs)
    Dim restApiKey As String = "Your APIKEY Here"
    Dim libraryName As String = "JMyers56"
    Dim functionName As String = "CallBAQ"

    Dim functionInputParameters = New RestContent(
        New With {
            .baqName = "aaaa"

    Dim restClient = New RestClientBuilder() _
        .SetDefaultApiKey(restApiKey) _
        .UseSession(oTrans.CoreSession) _

    Dim response = restClient.Function.Post(libraryName, functionName, functionInputParameters, published:=True)

    Dim responseJson = response.GetJsonResult()

    Dim resultDS As DataSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of DataSet)(responseJson("baqOutput").ToString())

    epiUltraGridC1.DataSource = resultDS
End Sub

No promises! AI converted this code! But it looks pretty good to me!

That’s pretty much verbatim what I just did manually.

It’s missing Option Infer On at the very top before any imports

Option Infer On

Imports Ice.Lib.RestClient
Imports Ice.Core
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Private Sub epiButtonC1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.EventArgs)

    Dim restApiKey as String = "Your APIKEY Here"
    Dim libraryName as String = "JMyers56"
    Dim functionName as String = "CallBAQ"

    Dim functionInputParameters = New RestContent(
    New With
        .baqName = "aaaa"

    Dim restClient = New RestClientBuilder().SetDefaultApiKey(restApiKey).UseSession(oTrans.CoreSession).Build()

    Dim response = restClient.Function.Post(libraryName, functionName, functionInputParameters, published:=True)
    Dim responseJson = response.GetJsonResult()

    Dim resultDS as DataSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of DataSet)(responseJson("baqOutput").ToString())

    epiUltraGridC1.DataSource = resultDS

End Sub
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@NateS, how did you do this in Bing? I just tried entering “Convert the following from C# to VB” and appended the code, returns no results

I went to the bing icon in the top right corner. this opens bing chat. I choose balanced. I asked it to convert this code to VB. I try to give it as little as possible just to see what it will infer. I just pasted the code right after the question, and it spit this back out.