Help move custom SSRS report from one environment to another

Hello All,

I created a new report style in our test environment and customized the report as per our end user’s request. I would now like to move it to our live environement. Do I just create the report style in the live environement, download the .rdl’s ifrom my test environment and then upload them to the live environment?

Do I need to do anything with the native shared data source in the .rdl’s? I have a picture of the ssrs report data source after uploading it to our Pilot environment from our Test environment and I see two (2) shared data sources. Please see the picture. Did I do something wrong or is that an expected result. Is there any way to delete one of those?

Any help is much appreciated. I am using report builder and not SSDT.



You can use Solution Workbench to move all the components for the report between environments easily.


@danbedwards , what does that entail? Do I just add the report style to the solution and then import it into the target environment?

Add the report style and the report to the solution and it will automatically add the data def. Then build the solution and save the file. You can then run Solution Workbench in your target environment (Live) and select this file for installation.

@danbedwards Thanks for your solution. Regarding the two data sources in the picture, is there any way to get rid of one of those? What is it that tells the report to always use the Pilot data source and not the Test data source?

One thing that I learned from Nathan Anderson (from Epicor Support) @aidacra at our local Epicor Users Group meeting was that in E10.1, in Report Style Maintenance, they added to the Actions menu the “Download SSRS Report” and “Upload SSRS Report” menu items. I haven’t actually tried this myself yet, but I think it takes care of setting the Data Source to the correct environment that you are uploading to.




Just to rule out one thing before going much further. Open the report in report builder. Click the Report Builder symbol in the upper-left corner and select Options. Change the highlighted option to a value of zero. Now see if you see multiple data source connection.

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@greg.bakker and @danbedwards Both of you gave me solutions to the issue, I particularly like the download and upload of the reports either in SSRS report server or from within Epicor itself. @danbedwards , thanks for the additonal bit about showing x amount of shared data source connections.