Has Anyone Looked Into Customer Manifest Billing in Web UI?

Was wondering if any of the wizards out there (@josecgomez , @hmwillett , @klincecum , @Mark_Wonsil , @hkeric.wci ) have looked into this in the Web UI? I just spent a couple of hours trying to see if I could find them and failed. My guess is they are still hard coded, but I would prefer to hear that from someone who knows what they are doing (i.e. not me).

I’m just a code monkey who is still learning.
I don’t have any data in the CustMFBill table, so I don’t know what I’m looking at.

If you could give me a primer, I might be able to poke it.

I do see a PayTypeDesc field with a label of Billing Type Description

If you go to Customer > Integrations > Manifest Info > Billing and add new, where is the list of values in the Billing Type coming from?

  <localTime>10/5/2023 09:30:39:8179532 AM</localTime>
  <executionTime total="28" roundTrip="27" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="1" />
    <parameter name="tableName" type="System.String"><![CDATA[CustMFBill]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="columnName" type="System.String"><![CDATA[PayBTFlag]]></parameter>
    <returnParameter name="" type="System.String"><![CDATA[CON`Consignee~FEDCOLL`Fedex Collect~FEDPRE`Fedex Prepaid~FEDREC`Fedex Recipient~SHIP`Shipper~TP`Third Party~UPSCON`UPS Consignee~UPSCSTFT`UPS Cost and Freight~UPSDUTY`UPS Delivery Duty Paid~UPSFOB`UPS Free On Board~UPSFRCOL`UPS Freight Collect~UPSPRE`UPS PrePaid~UPSDTAX`UPS Shipping Duty and Tax]]></returnParameter>

So, what you are saying is that I could do a Post Method BPM and change the return parameter?

How come I cannot see any of that data in the debug logging in the browser?

I haven’t looked yet.

Technically, yes. However, it is unknown to me if this will effect anything down the line.
If this is just some type of reference field with no weird dependencies or logic on it, you should probably be OK.

You’ll have to trace through the other methods like Erp.Proxy.BO.CustomerImpl.ValidatePayBTFlag
and maybe some others to be sure.

Might be easy, might be a disaster. I don’t know. :person_shrugging:

I’m good at making disasters, I just need that initial push to know where to aim my chainsaw!

You gonna love this one

SELECT CodeDescriptionList, * FROM ice.ZDataField
WHERE DBTableName='CustMFBill' AND FieldName='PayBTFlag'

You want to add more? Have at it :wink: (Now I dont know if the new ones you add will have any effect on Manifest…)

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come at me bruce campbell GIF by Ash vs Evil Dead

by the way this is a little known fact but a lot (most) of “Static” combos in Epicor are populated this way and its built in to the EpiComboBx you just have to populate the EpiFieldName and EpiTableName and populate that CodeDescriptionList in zDataField



Set retrieve on Activate to False and Epicor will “automatically” lookup and fill these combos for you. And yes it works on UD fields too

These values are stored tilde separated with a back tick between the value and the description such as

S`Supplier~CU`Currency~GL`GL Account~SG`Supplier Group~AD`Apply Date~I`Invoice~OT`One 

The browser calls straight for a json file:

GET: https://server/instance/api/swagger/v1/methods/Erp.BO.CustomerSvc.json

Section of return:

          "PayTypeDesc": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": " Describes the billing type.  Valid values and their description are:\r\n1 - Shipper\r\n2 - FedEx  Collect\r\n3 - Third Party\r\n4 - UPS Prepaid\r\n5 - FedEx Recipient\r\n6 - UPS Consignee\r\n7 - UPS Freight Collect\r\n8 - UPS Free On Board\r\n9 - UPS Cost and Freight\r\n10 - UPS Delivery Duty Paid\r\n11 - UPS Shpping Duty and Tax Consignee"

Gut feeling is it might work in classic, but unsure if that json section for the browser is dynamic.

I’m going to go full on crazy and create a UBAQ to change the field with the list of values and see what happens.

That file doesn’t exist anywhere in the server, I’d wager if you update that field in zDataField the JSON updates too… (i’ll try it)

I get to sit back and relax for once.

Tired Shaun The Sheep GIF by Aardman Animations

I lied, it works.

Yup. One thing to note is that there are separate lists for the Manifest Billing on the Customer and Customer Ship To.


Liar, liar, pants on fire.

liar liar lol GIF by SuperMansion

That file I posted must not be where it’s pulling the info from though.
My text shows up in the interface, but not in the return for that “file”.

Beaker is my favorite muppet.

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