RFQs don’t have releases. Often what we are requesting from a supplier is confirmation that they can deliver to a specific release schedule, not simply a price for a specific quantity or list of prices per quantity breaks
I have not figured out how to a customize a solution. To get multiple releases on an RFQ, we would have to add each part to the RFQ multiple times, and add a UD field for each release date. But then you have to add each supplier to each line. Way too tedious. Or we could add a whole UD table for RFQ releases that could store release/qty/date just like POs. But that would be a massive customization to get the tab for it into RFQ entry, and get it to carry through into the PO. It’s not worth that kind of development effort.
Purchase orders have the right data structure (line/release), but its impossible to set up POs as RFQs. First of all, a PO can only be for one vendor. You can’t have one PO sent out to multiple Vendors without creating the whole PO from scratch multiple times. Even worse, you can’t print the PO before its approved, so even if we created a custom report that said RFQ instead of PO on it, we couldn’t generate it without approving the PO, which then impacts MRP etc.
Surely other people have ran into these constraints and come up with a better solution? Our buyers are just creating RFQs by hand in excel. Its very time consuming. There must be a more efficient process?