Group like Operations

We set up all our sub-assemblies as phantom BoM parts so they roll up to the top level when they are on a job. We do this because we arent completing any operations and i want to mass issue to mfg.

is there a way to have all the operations combine that are like operations?

We set up the phantom operations as backflush operations so when the last operation is completed, the rest of them are completed. The only problem with that is that if you have a labor standard on that, it uses that number for labor cost, which may not be what you are looking for.

i cant do back flush operations, because we arent completing any operations. if we move to completing operations in Epicor, i plan on switching to backflush.

@Craig were you able to find a solution for this?

No. i think the only way would be a BPM to combine like ops. or just not have any ops on the phantom part so it wont add any to the top level when the phantom disappears.

Okay, thanks for getting back. I might explore the BPM route. The phantoms in my case are sub-configurators, so I do require their output.

It’d be really neat if we could group by the operations and then sum up the prod standards.

Co-parts - you take all the parts with the same operation and merge them together on one co-part job/operation may be better in this instance than using a phantom bom - the co-part/operation feeds the main job. Been a while since I looked at it but you can also create a co-part job from the same op on multiple jobs.

The one gotcha that I think still applies is that it only works for assemblies on the same bom level - Epicor will let you create the co-part job across different bom levels, but will fall over when you try and clock it off. In your case as no logging off is happening it may be perfectly acceptable.

Craig… you say you are not reporting operations… how are you marking the job a Closed?
Some companies will do a job receipt… but I have also found that swapping out the job receipt with an Operation Complete step, AND making that operation an Auto Receipt to Stock operation will keep the transaction count down, but will also trigger the backflush of the previous ops.

This was at a previous company. So i don’t remember too many details.
I manually closed the job with job closing menu item.