Ran into this myself today testing on 10.2.500.6, and just looked up the ticket details in EpicCare.
TLDR; Definitely a bug, but you should be able to hack the customization xml to fix it if you really want to. Here’s what they put in the ticket:
Issue with layout XML created after changing a grid (e.g. column order), 13000 lines of unwanted xml is created when a grid is saved
Initial issue was thought to be just the problem where Saving Layouts after changing a grid, the grid will default to using Grid Filters and this would always default to on. The issue was is linked to: PRB0218737/ERPS-130619
However, I am raising this new Problem with a higher priority as the above is just logged as a Cosmetic issue and this problem has a much higher impact for the customer.
Testing from within CSG suggests this issue appeared in 10.2.500 and was not present in 10.2.400. The customer has also done additional analysis of the issue and there is a much bigger problem here for the customer:
There is a method in Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiUltraGrid (in Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll) called LayoutSaveAsXML
It has a line of code which does this:
this.AddGridPropertyRow(this.dsLayout, PropertyCategories.ColumnFilters);
This code doesn’t check if any filters are in place, just whacks an enormous chunk of XML into the DisplayLayout for the grid in the customisation as a “ColumnFilters” property.
This piece of code doesn’t exist in the same method at 10.0.700.4.
Looking at the surrounding code, I think the intention of this code is probably just to record a true / false value to maintain the state of the column filter visibility in the customisation. But as it stands its not doing that.
If you were to hack the ColumnFilters property out of exported XML for the filters are no longer showing for the previously affected grid.
There doesn’t appear to be any configurable way around this issue – it would need to be fixed in EpiClientLib.
Let me add a bit more detail. The code that has been introduced in 10.2.500 creates 13000 lines of unwanted xml when a grid is saved.
This is handicapping our update progress as we can’t sign off any grids. Even if you just change the frame size and save it creates grid filters and you can’t get rid of them. We really need to know that this can be fixed urgently. We could not contemplate going live with this solution.