GoLive in progress - Transaction Type SingleGLJrn was not found

Hi guys,
We’re in the middle of our GoLive cutover from Quickbooks to Epicor 10.2.300.12 for our subsidiary, and attempting to load the trial balance, but we’re getting an error of:
Server Side Exception

Transaction Type SingleGLJrn was not found.

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

**Error Detail**


**Description:** Transaction Type SingleGLJrn was not found.

**Program:** Erp.Internal.PE.PEABT.dll

**Method:** AbtCreateABT

**Line Number:** 1033

**Column Number:** 21

**Original Exception Type:** GlobalException

**Client Stack Trace**


at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)

at Erp.Proxy.BO.GLJrnGrpImpl.PostGroupJournals(String postGroupID, String& NotAllPostedMessage)

at Erp.Adapters.GLJrnGrpAdapter.PostGroupJournals(String postGroupID, String& notAllPostedMessage)

Any ideas? Did I miss a step and somehow need to activate something? I did uncheck “System” for the GL Journal Type (to get the single ledger for Company Config, otherwise Company config wouldn’t save).

I found GL Transaction Type Broken in Conversion, How to Fix? - #3 by Epicorus, but we’re using Extended on the Posting > Conversion tab, just like we did in our PILOT environment.

Here’s what the JE looked like.

Thanks for the help!

Re import posting rules and check all tran type posting rules should be active

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Looks like we missed the GL Trans Types step. If that doesn’t work, I’ll give this a try. Thank you!