Once upon a time in the distant land called France, the government decided that short email addresses were for children. The longer the email address the more important the person. Hon ha, your email address is too short. So we have email addresses with the length of 60 or 70 characters.
Some of them were smart enough to know that Epicor had a limit of 50 characters; therefore, if they could have an email address of 51 characters, they could not be sent invoices straight from their suppliers using this ERP.
Unfortunately, we are now one of those suppliers. We know from our search of this forum that this issue is complicated and over 10 years old. What we are hoping is some gallant hero has a clever way of resolving this issue that we might be able to adopt for ourselves. One that is not too hard, more like just right.
What problem do you want to fix? Storing email addresses longer than the limit? You could use a custom field, or custom table to hold this information. Once you have the email stored correctly, pulling it into the invoices shouldn’t be a problem.
See and vote for idea: Remove Character Limit for emails
Also comment on my question that asks WHY you want longer email addresses (although we have several who have giving great answers already). I may also be putting together a quick survey soon on that idea (Now that we have that feature available in Epicor Ideas) that will survey everyone who votes on the idea.
In addition to restrictions on syntax, there is a length limit on
email addresses. That limit is a maximum of 64 characters (octets)
in the “local part” (before the “@”) and a maximum of 255 characters
(octets) in the domain part (after the “@”) for a total length of 320
characters. However, there is a restriction in RFC 2821 on the length of an
address in MAIL and RCPT commands of 254 characters. Since addresses
that do not fit in those fields are not normally useful, the upper
limit on address lengths should normally be considered to be 254.
totally agree that we need to follow the standard, but we also had another reason to ask “why” which is that the original person submitting the request to increase this field also wanted to put in a distribution list. It has been determined that this is not the primary focus of increasing the field size… the primary is to support “standard” email address formatting which is as you stated, up to 320 characters. Note that when we created these fields back 20+ years ago, the standards may not have been set and/or assumptions were made that “nobody would have an email address over 50 characters” (hahaha).