Global Tree View Customization

Hey all,

Has anyone successfully customized the tree view in a UD table, and applied the customization globally?
Unless I’m missing something, changing which field displays as the label for each record has to be done on a user by user basis.

Ideally I would like to switch:

To something along the lines of (but globally?):

Also, is it possible to concat in other fields into the display column? Or as an intended tier?
Kind of like:

Job Number




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If you open the form with the Customization Mode Enabled and then modify the tree and under Actions go to Save Layouts it will save it to the Customization Level and everyone will have it.

Thanks, that definitely helps!

Is there anyway to concat multiple fields as well? Or indent?

Only way I was able to do that was create a Form_Load event and put in code similar to this. If you are not having luck in the _Load event put it in the CreateCustomCode() method. I can’t recall one of those I had it in.

// Change navigation tree headings
EpiTreeViewPanel tvp = (EpiTreeViewPanel)(this.csm.GetNativeControlReference("8f08953f-b49f-4fb5-ba14-3c5102fd6b0c"));
tvp.RootNodeText = "Batches";
//tvp.HasSingleAttachNode = false;
//tvp.ViewChangeAsRowChange = true;
//tvp.EpiTreeView.EpiBinding = "table.colname";

tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].EpiBindings = new string[] { "UD100.Key1" };
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].Prefixes = new string[] { "Batch: " };
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].ColumnString = "Batch"; // Parent
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].ExpandNodes = true;
//tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].SetAsFolderNode("Batches", false /* Hide Empty */, true /* Expand */, false /* Hide Count */, EpiUIImages.IndexOf("TreeViewLevel1"));
//tvp.EpiTreeBindings[0].ExpandFolder = true;

// This is what your looking for
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].EpiBindings = new string[] { "UD100A.ChildKey4", "UD100A.ChildKey5" };
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].Prefixes = new string[] { "", "" };
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].SeparatorCharacter = " - ";
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].ColumnString = "Part"; // Child
tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].ExpandNodes = true;
//tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].SetAsFolderNode("Certificates", false /* Hide Empty */, true /* Expand */, false /* Hide Count */, EpiUIImages.IndexOf("TreeViewLevel1"));

That should get me going.
Thanks for the code!

After creating a global customization by editing the tree view - is there a way to format the numbers that are displayed.
Eg On the Operation node in Job Entry - the RunQty displays as 16.00000000 - I would like to format this display.
Thank you in advance.

Sorry. I’m relatively new to Epicor. Where did you find the GUID for this:

tvp.EpiTreeBindings[1].EpiBindings = new string[] { “UD100A.ChildKey4”, “UD100A.ChildKey5” };

Just click on the Tree in the Customizations Tool Dialog

Thanks. That’s what I did. I am a bit of a novice so it’s probably something “duh” stupid that I missed. I added on the _load() and then tried moving it to InitializeCustomCode() and both threw the same error:

Here’s the code:

Instead of picking the treeView pick the treeviewpanel get that guid, I prob showed the wrong one.

Awesome! That worked. FYI, for anyone that might read this in the future, I put the code in InitializeCustomCode() block.

For the TreeView, I have set one of the level as FolderNode using


I have commented the line out, but the the node stays as Folder Node. How do I convert it back to a standard node?


RE: “On the Operation node in Job Entry - the RunQty displays as 16.00000000 - I would like to format this display.”

Roberto - I know this is old but we just upgrade to Epicor 10. Were you able to figure out how to format the number of decimal places?

No - but it is something I am very much interested in.
I’m sure there is a solution posted somewhere on this forum but I never bottomed out this end.

Perhaps we could colloborate and complete together.

Let me know.


Roberto, I ended up submitting to support and they basically said I am SOL… haha. I am sure it can be done but above my skill level. -Sarah