Global Supplier PP Link-DMT

Looking for a way to link in Mass a large group of global supplier purchase points. We have all of our suppliers linked globally from target to source but finding that the purchase points are not linked. Majority of our suppliers in these are loaded and linked via DMT which has a template for the Global Vendor but does not seem to have a way to run a link for the purchase point. It will build the link thru the module if I unlink and relink but looking at over 1800 records on that.

@Nicholas_Mueller You can put a bpm on (I believe) UpdateExt that is active during the DMT run to do the needed processing. I did this with a UD table to update things not included in DMT when I went live many moons ago.

I have a ticket into Epicor right now for this same thing. I have not found a way to do this connection through DMT or within the UI. We have consolidated PO suggestions failing between companies due to not having the VendorPP’s linked.

I am not sure what your response from support was but mine was essentially that there is no standard method except to look and see if you can do it via a UBAQ and if so then you might. I did not see a route for that so we are probably going to be looking at a BPM as @gpayne suggested for now. I did put in an Epicor Idea for this because it appears that with customers and ship-to you have the same thing. If you want to go put in a vote for it