Global Hot keys for All users

Hey Virginia, yes you can. Not easy, but yes.

The data isn't stored nicely in a table with checkboxes and such, but what I've done in the past is setup a template user like "joeblow".

Login as joeblow and on any form, like Job Entry, go to Tools and Options.

On the General Tab, the only option that is considered "global" amongst all forms for this user is the Context Indicator. Change the color and/or enable/disable it.

There's nothing on the Hot Keys tab that is "global"; these options are for this specific Form (Job Entry). Same thing for the Dialogs tab. Not sure about the Tree View tab.

Finally we get to the Global Options tab. Every option on the 3 sub-tabs (Status Bar, Hot Keys and Designer Grid) are globally used on all forms and would be a candidate to set for this template user, JoeBlow.

So once you configure to your liking JoeBlow's Global Options, you need to propagate this to all users. Note, this will overwrite any of your users' current Global Options if they have any set.

This data is stored (not nicely) in a table called XXXChunk where XXXChunk.TypeCode = 'GlobalOptions' and key1 = the user name (in this example, key1 = 'jowblow'

The field you want is XXXChunk.Chunk where XXXChunk.TypeCode = 'GlobalOptions' and key1 = 'joeblow'.

Every user, by default, has a record written to XXXChunk when they modify their Global Options for the first time. Therefore, it's possible that not every user has a "GlobalOptions" record entry in XXXChunk (if they've never modified Global Options before). So first, either login as your users and make any insignificant setting change to Global Options just to create that record. OR, send an email to your users asking them make a change to the Status Bar or something trivial.

Once the record count in table UserFile <= XXXChunk where typecode is 'GlobalOptions' then you're ready.

So, if you're a SQL user, you could very easily issue an UPDATE statement to your XXXChunk table and set all users' XXXChunk.Chunk column to that of JoeBlow's GlobalOptions record in that table.

If you are a lowly Progress user, I don't see why you couldn't link to XXXChunk via ODBC using MS Access and manually copy-and-paste this value to all users.

This XXXChunk data isn't cleaned up when you delete users in Vantage. So it's entirely possible to see entries in XXXChunk.Key1 for users *not* in the UserFile table that you may have deleted in the past.

After you update XXXChunk.Chunk, you may need to delete the cached forms stored on the client. I've had times on the local PCs that it didn't pick up that the settings have changed. By default, cached forms for Vantage are stored in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Epicor\Vantage. You'll see a folder there for each version ever run on that local PC. Simply delete the 8.03.408 folder and next time someone on that local PC logs into Vantage it will recreate the folder and cache.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it's really not. If you need more help, holler.


--- In, "Virginia" <vjoseph@...> wrote:
> Hello; We are on Vantage 8.03.408 and I am wondering if there is any way to establish hot keys that will apply system wide for all users. I know I can establish Global Hot Keys for each user that will be applied system wide for that user only, but it would be preferable to be able to set-up those global hot keys for all users instead of doing them one at a time.
> Thanks in advance.
> Virginia Joseph
> Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
> 440-543-8157
Hello; We are on Vantage 8.03.408 and I am wondering if there is any way to establish hot keys that will apply system wide for all users. I know I can establish Global Hot Keys for each user that will be applied system wide for that user only, but it would be preferable to be able to set-up those global hot keys for all users instead of doing them one at a time.

Thanks in advance.

Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC