Global Company Logo

I know that you can add logos to the different Report Styles but wondering if there’s a way to do it globally to ALL forms at the same time, like a Company Global setting.

Most Base SSRS forms do not have company logos from my recollection, but the few that do (mostly outward facing) I believe, will pull the logo from the Company Maintenance UI.

So far, in Epicor Kinetic, while you can add logos to individual report styles, there isn’t a built-in feature that allows you to set a logo globally for all forms at once through a single Company Global setting.

In my brief exposure adding logos typically requires you to modify each report style individually where you want the logo to appear. In my case, I created a template report which I use as my starting point with all the elements I would like to see and from there, I start editing.

However, you can streamline the process a bit by:

  1. Modify Report Data Definitions (RDDs): updating the RDD to include a logo might propagate the change across all reports based on that RDD.
  2. Customization or BPM (Business Process Management): You can create a customization or a BPM that automatically injects your logo into reports during the rendering or printing process. This is the step where you need to have some advanced customization exposure.

Hope this helps.


I feel that the Logo you can pull from Company Configuration is for the UI and not the SSRS reports, I’ll give it a try my I’m 95% sure will not work as expected, still thanks for the tip.

Slightly different approach, add a us field to the company table, then a BPM when for when you upload the logo, convert the image to base64.

Pretty mush all SSRS reports have a Comp data set here, just ad the UD field to the ds then convert the base64 field to image in the SSRS.