That red question mark is normal all of mine show that but they work fine.
Eric Tolliver
Continental Industries Inc.
5456 E. Mcdowell Rd.
Mesa, Az 85215
book when I clicked the TO: button. I selected a name from the Outlook
address book, and clicked OK. If I go right back to the TO: and look at the
name I selected, there is a red ? mark over the "rolodex icon".
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
That red question mark is normal all of mine show that but they work fine.
Eric Tolliver
Continental Industries Inc.
5456 E. Mcdowell Rd.
Mesa, Az 85215
>>If you have an internal email system, (like microsoft mail and Outlook)I did have Outlook up and running, and Vantage did use my Outlook address
>>then Outlook must be up and running on the machine that is going to
>>generate the Alert.
book when I clicked the TO: button. I selected a name from the Outlook
address book, and clicked OK. If I go right back to the TO: and look at the
name I selected, there is a red ? mark over the "rolodex icon".
>>Also, make sure that Vantage can "SEE" your internal post office.HOW DO I MAKE VANTAGE "SEE" my internal post office?
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics