GL Posting set up

Hi! New User here. Where do I go to review the GL accounts associated to automatic / Automated posting processes. I assume there is a central place that this gets set up.

That’s a pretty open question. When you say “automatic processes” are you referring to any GL transactions that aren’t Journal Entries? Like when a PO Receipt happens and the inventory acct is debited?

P.S. - Welcome to epiusers!

P.P.S - what’s your background? Finance, operations, IT, …??

Hi Yes, that exactly what i mean :slight_smile: PO raised, PO receipted, And then, how WIP gets allocated, etc and then finally posted into the P&L

It’s fairly complicated, but a good place to start is with the various Epicor Hierarchal Technical Guides. There’s one for each module (Inventory, AP, AR, etc…)

One thing I can tell you is that nothing posts automatically. There is always a user action that causes GL Transactions to post (the exception being that some of these user actions can be scheduled to happen periodically)

AP and AR transactions are posted in their respective Invoice Entry programs. After invoice have been entered, you can print the edit list which will show what GL Entries will be made when the Invoice group is posted. You post the group by selecting the menu Actions → Group → Post

GL transactions related to part transactions occur when the Capture WIP/COS process is run. This process will summarize all the part transactions by date and GL acct, and create GL entries with the description “Periodic Posting Process”. The report named “Inventory WIP Reconciliation” is like the edit list for part transactions. It will show information about every part transaction that would result in a GL transaction.

Here’s a summary of some business actions your company might do and their affect on the GL:

  • Create a PO - No GL trans are created, but the info on the PO will be used to determine the GL Acct to use when the PO Receipt happens
  • PO Receipt - No GL trans happen, but part transactions do. these part trans will be used to create the GL Trans later. A typical trans action type is PUR-STK. This is for purchases to inventory.
  • Material is issued from stock to WIP - again, only part trans happen. This is a STK-MTL.
  • Inventory shipped to customer - only part trans happen. This is a STK-CUS.
  • Capture WIP/COS - this is the function that takes all the unposted part trans and creates GL Trans.
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Welcome aboard @btomlinson,

Might we be talking about GL Controls and GL Control Types and the GL Control defaults in Company Configuration?

In addition to @ckrusen information you can check the online help, or if you have the education licence there is a whole course on it built in to Epicor along with Epicor Learning Centre.

I hope that helps.