GL Control Codes and General Ledger Accounts

Is there a report or dashboard or other mechanism to display GL Control Codes and their assocciated General Ledger accounts?

I made this BAQ long ago for this reason.

For the days when you are wondering “WHY are things hitting the orange socks account” or whatever it is.

If your signature is right (10.2.300), you may need to demote the version by unzipping the file, etc. There are posts here about that.

ACC_AllOfTheGLCodes.baq (42.7 KB)

I mean, I assume you are not simply asking about this screen, but rather you want the whole list of GL codes.

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Thank you and Best Regards,

Charles (Chuck) Stahl
Chief Information Officer
ICM Controls
7313 William Barry Blvd,
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Office: (315) 362-9310
Mobile: (315) 573-9772
IT Contact number: (315) 233-5266 x565
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