Getting SSRS Report Server

In 9.05, we run custom SSRS reports through customizations. We had parameterized the report server URL, storing it on the Company record and grabbing it in the customization.

In upgrading to E10, we would like to use the report server URL with which the appserver is configured, i.e., the one configured in the Epicor Administration Console. Does anyone know how to retrieve the value of this URL in C#? I have examined transaction object and both the Ice and Erp CompanyAdapters and I’m not seeing the value anywhere.

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this value?

Yes, how would I retrieve that from a C# customization?

What’s the end goal?

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

The end goal is to have the SSRS URL parameterized. In the customization we grab that value, append the path to the report, and launch. Parameterizing the server URL makes it easier to move databases from Prod to Test and (usually) makes upgrades easier.

We have this currently in E9.05. In E10.1 there’s already a configured SSRS URL for the standard reports. We will be putting our custom SSRS reports on that same server so I’d like to just use that configured value.

I can’t say how that code would look specifically, but it’s C#, I imagine you could google for reading text files. Once you open the document, using regex would be simple enough to get the value.

You can do something like this…
note you already have the session.

Note for all those wanting to test coding against Epicor ERP I would recommend getting LinqPad
This is free but the premium version is well worth it for intelisense and debugging.
I recommend @rbucek and co make this forum even better by allowing the upload of .linq files then we could share working examples with our customers.


That takes it from the company settings which you can manage

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wish granted…

Thanks here is the example for others to use in LinqPad.
Open in LinqPad hit F4 to correct any paths then press go.

BOReader_101400_SSRSBaseUrl.linq (957 Bytes)

Which file is this? If it’s one of the appserver config files, customizations are client side so I don’t really want all of our users reading through the appserver’s config files. But comparing your file to ours, they don’t look the same.

Noticing the folder you’re in, I don’t have a similar file on my client machine.

I was hoping not to have to override the SSRS server with the same server with which the appserver is configured. It would be redundant. I guess I could do it if it’s well documented.


We have ours set in Company Maintenance but under Print Options, not using the Override. Use can still use the BOReader as Stephen pointed out but get the field Company.SSRSURL instead.

