Getting Ready to leave for Insights!

Some may wonder “What does it take to get ready for Insights?”… especially when somebody may be prepping for a big, exciting new product launch that requires many events in Nashville including: Partner training, Intro Video recording, 5 labs, 5 breakout sessions and leading an “Experience Zone” in-between everything else (OH… I forgot that I am also leading an MRP class).

Well, I am at the end of day 4 of what will be 12 straight (long) days (10-16 hours each)… Yesterday and Today I have been doing the final prepping and practicing for the LABs.
One of the requirements of the lab (based in the cloud) is that each and every person needs their own special one time use login (and we wont know who you are until you arrive).
In order to make this seamless, I had to create 150 different log-ins, AND create a “handout” (a little strip of paper) with your log-in credentials for the lab. 750 paper cuts later… we are ready. Five little baggies of strips of paper.
NOW I am ready.


If only I could give you another drink card… you’ll probably need it!

Whether it would be HELPFUL for you or not is probably another story though…

Looking forward to meeting you!