I’m trying to add a serial number to an RMA under the Details → Detail tab via the API. I’m using RMAProcSvc/SelectedSerialNumbers and sending a POST request. This is my payload:
{Company: "SIE", SerialNumber: "111117", PartNum: "S-Evaluation"}
And this is the response:
"HttpStatus": 400,
"ReasonPhrase": "REST API Exception",
"ErrorMessage": "Customer is required.",
"ErrorType": "Ice.Common.BusinessObjectException",
"ErrorDetails": [
"Message": "Customer is required.",
"Type": "Error",
"Table": "RMAHead",
"Program": "Epicor.RESTApi.dll",
"Method": "ThrowUpdateExtException",
"ColumnNumber": 17,
"LineNumber": 40
This is the template for the payload:
"Company": "SIE",
"SerialNumber": "string",
"Scrapped": true,
"ScrappedReasonCode": "string",
"Voided": true,
"Reference": "string",
"ReasonCodeType": "string",
"ReasonCodeDesc": "string",
"PartNum": "string",
"SNPrefix": "string",
"SNBaseNumber": "string",
"SourceRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"TransType": "string",
"PassedInspection": true,
"Deselected": true,
"KitWhseList": "string",
"RawSerialNum": "string",
"KBLbrAction": 0,
"KBLbrActionDesc": "string",
"PreventDeselect": true,
"XRefPartNum": "string",
"XRefPartType": "string",
"PreDeselected": true,
"poLinkValues": "string",
"SNMask": "string",
"NotSavedToDB": true,
"SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"RowMod": "string"
It lets me add the serial number in the UI, but not the API. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? Thanks!