Hi Help

Can you use an updateable BAQ via REST. We have added a UBAQ to add a order and order line and it works via the screen, now we need to access this via REST passing the order / partnum etc parameters.

Is this possible?



Yea just go to the swagger help screen for that BAQ and you’ll see what the requirements are

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What would be the benefit of using a UBAQ via REST vs an Epicor Function? :thinking:

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One benefit as it stands right now is that @SKB843 already has the UBAQ working and it would be easier to run it as is rather than build a function.

@SKB843 I would try creating a function as @Mark_Wonsil is suggesting- just to get the hang of it and add another tool to your toolbox. I think you could even build a function to run your updatable BAQ if you really wanted to.

Not much other than he already has a query done.

Also ubaq are very point and click out of the box functions can require some TLC if you aren’t familiar with them


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, if you’re upgrading then that makes sense. But for a greenfield solution, maybe a function gives you more options for the future.


Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your help.

I got it working using the Patch method in the UBAQ using ‘Swagger’ included in the REST API with Epicor . To load the the order and the line required two UBAQ’s. One for the header creation and one for the line. The Rest response for the header included the SO# number and this is then used in the UBAQ to add the lines. You need the SO# to add line as this is the KEY in the Header and Detail tables.

The header creation was achieved with a very small amount of fields as below, and can be even fewer than this.

“OrderHed_Company”: my company
“OrderHed_CustNum”: 0,
“OrderHed_FOB”: FREI",
“OrderHed_NeedByDate”: “2021-12-13”,
“OrderHed_OrderDate”: “2021-12-13”,
“OrderHed_OrderNum”: 0,
"OrderHed_OTSName “: TEST,”
“OrderHed_PONum”: “WOO”,
“OrderHed_RequestDate”: “2021-12-13”,
“OrderHed_ShipViaCode”: “FIS1”,
“OrderHed_UseOTS”: true

Thanks again


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Totally agree!

Nice Steve!