Get data from multiple databases in External BAQ

I set up an external BAQ that can query an external database.

Is it possible to set up the external BAQ or connection settings so that it can query two databases on the same external server? Right now, my external BAQ can only see the one database specified as the “Initial Catalog” in the External Datasources app.


I found an easy workaround. I just needed to create views of the tables I need from the second external database inside of the first external database.

You’re pretty smart for a spud.

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As an alternative to using a View you could use a Synonym [Synonyms (Database Engine) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn] it’s just a matter of choice.

interesting, I never tried to use it in extBaq, does it work?

unfortunately Synonyms can’t be used directly in an extBaq but they could be used from within a view that the extBaq is referencing.

What about the aspect of making a linked server in Server A to Server B. Then you can query external server A and reference linked server B such as linkedserverB.Dbasename.tablename in from clause of ext BAQ?