General support resources?

Asking on behalf of my employer - We’re trying to find a resource for sustaining support. We’ve worked with and contacted folks we’ve found on Epicor’s partner directory and internet searches, but are now having a hard time finding what we need post-implementation. What we’re finding seem to be focused on implementation and development, or that’s the impression we get. I’m not sure if we’re not asking the right questions and the folks we’ve contacted are trying to flex their resources, but everyone wants to start off with dozens of hours of support kickoff and functionality review. We’re already puttering along in Epicor and don’t need the implementation level overview again, just some occasional focused feedback for users, or training if/when a lone role expert leaves.

Are we not asking the right questions, or is there some resource list we’ve overlooked? Epiusers is awesome but doesn’t work for everyone! Some users do better with one-on-one interation, and sometimes there are critically relevant IP or PII concerns.

I think you need someone who has extensive experience in all functions of MFG, using Epicor and is also familiar with all modules in the system or as many as you use at the least. Jack of all trades, but knows Manufacturing and how Epicor is utilized and affects all departments. A new person must learn your exact processes in order to “Fit” them into Epicor and also streamline your processes to get the best of the features of the system.
My company struggled with this as well, hiring first an Operations guy who did not fully understand the software, then an IT Person who understood IT and systems, but not Manufacturing (Finance included) and they did not fit. Out of luck, they stumbled upon me, who has and IT Background, Epicor since 1995 and Manufacturing experience in many industries and understands how they all affect and interact with each other.
Hard to find, but look for those traits.
Report Writing, and Programming background is also nice.

Good Luck, and keep searching, you will find the right fit.

George Hicks

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The other option is that Epicor does have functional consultants but you will pay a hefty price for their time

I have had good luck with the folks from PS. The are in line with what outside consultants cost and if you are clear with what you want to get done it is efficient use of time.

I’m not connecting what PS is? I even checked Wikipedia!

Epicor Professional Services. Their consulting team.

Try googling “Epicor consulting”

We (current co), and my previous company have used both Epicor Professional Services and 3rd party consultants to advise us on process best practices. There are good consulting companies out there, with experts in the various areas (not just customizations). Call, and interview. Many will also host regional Epicor Users Group meetings (in person or remote). Once you find someone and stick with them, they’ll get to know you better and their advice will skip a lot of that up-front learning of your special way of doing things…

Also, contact your CAM to have Epicor come on-site, and do a free Value Exchange Workshop. You’ll both learn a lot about your company and processes, and will get a few easy wins (and some hard ones!).


I would highly recommend you look at Epicor Partners there are Partners all over the country and the world usually some nearby where you are. They can provide personalized service as needed and they have been vetted by Epicor to ensure they follow the proper standards.

Here’s a Partner Directory, I would be extra careful of those not in the Partner program. There are some really good ones out there but I suggest quite a bit of vetting.


Most of the partners have service and support plans as well.

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