Using the General Ledger Import function, is there a way to automatically link to a supplier?
(Financial Management > General Ledger> General Operations > General Ledger Import)
The General Ledger template caters for Journal Detail Comments, but not reference?
edited to add: This is from GL Journal Entry, which has the option for reference.
We are going to be using 3rd party provider in regards to credit card transactions - card users will be allocating their expenditure on this app, which will generate the GL codes to be imported - this will save data entry time for the finance team.
The credit card holder will be selecting the supplier on this app and I need to working out how to automatically bring this information into Epicor, otherwise the finance team will need to manually select the supplier for each transaction, before posting.
When an invoice is received, we need to be able to check if there has already been a payment made by credit card.
The screenshot is from the GL journal Entry Screen, I have edited my OP to say that.
I have been testing using the standard GL Import screen and have to provide them with a template for them to customise the export file their end.
They’ve come back saying their other Epicor clients use a different template, but all clients are different and it depends on our needs.
They have now given me one example to use as a guide, and the client uses DMT. It appears most fields are the same as the GL Import template, however their example doesn’t have the supplier in it. Finance dept want to be able to link the credit card payments to the supplier if it’s already been paid by CC, to cut down on data entry time.
We have the option of the exported data from the other system giving us the supplier (my understanding is this will come off the bank transactions, so may not even be able to talk to Epicor - I am not sure if we can set what the supplier code is in this other app).
Invoices for credit cards are entered, with payment method of credit card.
This third party software has the credit card holder choose their expense type - which is linked to GL codes, and these GL codes are part of the file export that we receive. The idea is that this is imported into epicor, reviewed by finance, and GL codes adjusted if the credit card holder selected the incorrect expense - the aim is to reduce data entry for finance team.
If you can get credit card holders name, description, total amount , GST Amt and GL account from the third-party software provider, then it can be loaded as AP Invoice through DMT. Few additional fields need to be added in the DMT template like invoice number, supplier, invoice group, invoice date, etc which isn’t hard.
I have a few clients where credit card file is loaded into UD table and does the validation before creating a file for DMT to load as AP Invoice which takes care of expenses incurred for the job.APInvoice-Mod.csv (404 Bytes)
Thanks. I did wonder if it could be done as AP Invoice through DMT and we can have access to the card holder’s name, description. total amount, GST Amt and GL account in the exported file.
I’ve been playing around with DMT this afternoon. So much to learn!
I have AP Invoice Combined working, however as the sample file provided to me looks to be GL Journal Combined DMT, I am still playing around with this.
Quite a few credit card payments won’t have invoices attached to them. The current process is that all CC transactions are totaled for each GL code in a spreadsheet for the month, and one journal entry/line is made each month, for each GL code.
Currently I have:
GLJrnHed#JournalNum (set at 0)
GLJrnHed#TaxHandling (set at 2)
GLJrnDtlMnl#TaxLine (TRUE or FALSE)
GLJrnDtlMnl#ReportingModule (0 if Tax Line is True)
GLJrnDtlMnl#TaxLiability (GST if a Tax Line)
GLJrnDtlMnl#TaxType (GST if a Tax Line)
GLJrnDtlMnl#TaxRate (GST if a Tax Line)
GLJrnDtlMnl#TaxableAmtCurr (AUD if a Tax Line)
I have noticed that Vendor and Invoice Num etc can be added to the GL Journal Combined Template. I am trying to get my head around how this works, and there doesn’t seem to be much online that goes into details for this DMT.
If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated. Thanks.