FW: Vantage/Physical Inventory

We've been pretty comfortable with doing full physical in Vantage. Although we do try to have no issues or receipts from when we start the count until it's posted, Vantage does provide for accounting for transactions during this period so that the variance report and updated (counted) quantities are accurate. Vantage on line help explains this pretty well. I'd be happy to "talk through" our procedures with someone from your company if you wish to contact me offlist.

Good luck.

Gail M. Grillo
Manager, Corporate Administration
Allegheny Bradford Corporation
(814) 362-2590

>>> todd sarber <tsarber@...> 12/06/00 03:02PM >>>
I was wondering what other members of the group do regarding year end
physical inventory. Our new manager just sent me this question.

> Todd,
> As we discussed last evening, I'm curious as to how Vantage (our
> version) addresses a typical rigorous Physical Inventory.
> In my experience, there are protocols and routines which allow for a
> "freezing" of current inventory information, the new counts entered
> from tags, the old inventory information erased and replaced with the
> newly entered part number/quantity data. The delta between those two
> sources of data describes your inventory discrepancies.
> Is that how Vantage works? If not, how does it support a year-end
> Physical Inventory?

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files, please go to the following link: http://www.egroups.com/files/vantage/
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go to www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups, choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above will work the next time you try it.)
I was wondering what other members of the group do regarding year end
physical inventory. Our new manager just sent me this question.

> Todd,
> As we discussed last evening, I'm curious as to how Vantage (our
> version) addresses a typical rigorous Physical Inventory.
> In my experience, there are protocols and routines which allow for a
> "freezing" of current inventory information, the new counts entered
> from tags, the old inventory information erased and replaced with the
> newly entered part number/quantity data. The delta between those two
> sources of data describes your inventory discrepancies.
> Is that how Vantage works? If not, how does it support a year-end
> Physical Inventory?

That is exactly what happens. You use the Count Entry option under Inventory
Management. Run as a full physical inventory and start count. From the point
that you enter Start Count the Inventory will backdate to that time if you
take several days to count and enter the tags. Be aware of your Wip whether
you backflush or not, and be especially cautious when counting items that
you plan to ship out. To be as accurate as possible avoid shipping and
closing orders.

Eric Tolliver
Continental Industries Inc.
5456 E. Mcdowell Rd.
Mesa, Az 85215

-----Original Message-----
From: todd sarber [mailto:tsarber@...]

I was wondering what other members of the group do regarding year end
physical inventory. Our new manager just sent me this question.

> Todd,
> As we discussed last evening, I'm curious as to how Vantage (our
> version) addresses a typical rigorous Physical Inventory.
> In my experience, there are protocols and routines which allow for a
> "freezing" of current inventory information, the new counts entered
> from tags, the old inventory information erased and replaced with the
> newly entered part number/quantity data. The delta between those two
> sources of data describes your inventory discrepancies.
> Is that how Vantage works? If not, how does it support a year-end
> Physical Inventory?
Thanks Eric for the info.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Tolliver [mailto:e.tolliver@...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:14 PM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] FW: Vantage/Physical Inventory


That is exactly what happens. You use the Count Entry option under
Management. Run as a full physical inventory and start count. From the
that you enter Start Count the Inventory will backdate to that time if
take several days to count and enter the tags. Be aware of your Wip
you backflush or not, and be especially cautious when counting items
you plan to ship out. To be as accurate as possible avoid shipping and
closing orders.

Eric Tolliver
Continental Industries Inc.
5456 E. Mcdowell Rd.
Mesa, Az 85215

-----Original Message-----
From: todd sarber [mailto:tsarber@...]

I was wondering what other members of the group do regarding year end
physical inventory. Our new manager just sent me this question.

> Todd,
> As we discussed last evening, I'm curious as to how Vantage (our
> version) addresses a typical rigorous Physical Inventory.
> In my experience, there are protocols and routines which allow for a
> "freezing" of current inventory information, the new counts entered
> from tags, the old inventory information erased and replaced with the
> newly entered part number/quantity data. The delta between those two
> sources of data describes your inventory discrepancies.
> Is that how Vantage works? If not, how does it support a year-end
> Physical Inventory?

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files,
please go to the following link: http://www.egroups.com/files/vantage/
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go
to www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My
Groups, choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password,
the link above will work the next time you try it.)