Fulfillment Workbench and overshipment allocation

Seeking advice on using the fulfillment workbench.
We are new Epicor (Kinetic) users- go live date June 5, 2023.

Order allocation was not tested enough and we are scrambling to understand how to perform some key actions. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, our consultant is not available this week.

Is it at all possible to OVER ship using the fulfillment wb? We often yield up to 10%+ more parts than ordered. We cannot figure out how to ship a full lot above the ordered quantity. Any temporary solution is appreciated while we determine the limitations of the tool and what BMPs and automations might help.

thank you.

No you can only reserve/release what the order is asking for.

There isn’t even an option to enter a quantity when you reserve inventory. I know allocation is done a bit differently than reservation but as far as I know it’s impossible.

Beyond that I don’t think there is anything stopping you from adding more quantity to the actual shipment.

Thank you- I did fear this was the case, but hoped!

If you are making the job to the order and are going to make one shipment did you look at make direct? You would not allocate and just ship up to the quantity completed on the job.

If you are make to stock and then pull to ship you could still make fields that link the job to the release and increase the order quantity to the yield of the job.

Yeah Like G-Pain says if you increase the quantity on the order you would actually be able to use FWB to process the full amount.


thank you and @hackaphreaka for the input.