Frideas! 6/14/2024

On Friday, it’s EpiUsers Frideas Day! Have you been to the Epicor Ideas Portal recently? If so, are there some ideas you want to encourage other users to vote for? Maybe want to add comments to an existing idea?

Typically @Mark_Wonsil starts these so apologies if I step on any toes.

I’m going to start off by advocating for my new idea. Kinetic BAQ designer has a missing feature from Classic when creating criteria for {fieldname} IN {Constant List}.

Also going to bump @josecgomez idea of adding a new report engine.. Thread here: IDEA: KIN-I-5057 Replace tired SSRS with a modern really web friendly document reporting tool

Ideas from thread:


Yep, this is the ONE time I still go back to classic baq designer.

Please vote to undo this newest preposterous change (135 character passwords):


KIN-I-5095: Icon for complete material on a job should be a green checkmark, not a yellow circle.

Self explanatory:


I’m sorry… 135???

What in the literal…:eggplant:


I’m still moving into Kinetic BAQ Designer. Yes, yes, I know I’m an :older_man:



Seems completely reasonable and normal to me. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Bring back the context menu calculator… PLEASE!


:scream: I never knew of it until @timshuwy made a thread here asking if anyone used it.

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It’s one of those things that if you never use it (and I didn’t for the first 10 years or so of my Epicor lifetime), you might not even know it exists (and I didn’t). Then it got pointed out to me by a colleague.

Once upon a time I could do quite a bit of (simple) math in my head, but that ship sailed… and pretty much every Buyers’ jaw dropped when I demoed it.

has already been changed in 2024.1.6 now 128, :wink: sorry @hmwillett

maybe i should ask if the paste option for password fields can be removed. to prevent people from keeping their passwords on a txt file :wink:


Now I’m a little irritated,famously (in my own life) and much to @Banderson’s amusement, I spent way too much of my free time writing a custom authentication server and client software for a passwordless protocol called SQRL that nobody other than me and maybe @Mark_Wonsil have ever heard of, so I have a little bit of knowledge in this area and when I see stuff like this it hurts my brain.

Passwords do not need to be excessively long to be effective. The effectiveness of a password comes down to entropy—essentially, how large of a search space is required to brute force it.

Entropy can be increased via several methods, including:

  1. Length: While longer passwords can increase entropy, there’s a point of diminishing returns, and 135 characters is well beyond that point.
  2. Complexity: Using a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters can greatly increase entropy without requiring excessive length.
  3. Unpredictability: Avoiding common words or patterns and using random sequences helps make passwords more secure.

A password with a reasonable length (e.g., 10-16 characters) that incorporates these principles can be very secure without being absurdly long.

For good measure:
A 135-character password using all alphanumeric characters, digits, and symbols (as Epicor’s generator does, such as this):


Has a search space of 9.94 x 10266 and would take 3.16 thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion centuries… to brute force with the most powerful GPU array in existence.

Meanwhile, something like this:


Has a search space of 7.82 x 1026 and would still take 2.48 thousand centuries to brute force with the biggest badest GPU Array in existence

So maybe take a chill pill, Epicor… :joy: none of us are even going to be around for either of those measures. I know
was a weak standard and the pendulum is swinging the other way… but… chill out


Shoot–how did you guess my password?! Now I’m gonna have to go an change it… Probably.


When I see a password conversation I always think of this nice little video.

FREE WIFI! · take a password · :shushing_face: (


Too late, I’m in.

Your search history is wild.


I’m sure you can’t top what’s already in the history, sir.


Not mine, but I agree:

Import-export home page layout:

App Studio needs ability to do a static text blob (not editable) for long-winded descriptions of what this page is for, etc…

Server file download stinks today:


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again

You know how your security is working?
You’ve stopped legitimate work from happening.

I also like to congratulate my dog for saving my life when he barks at the leaf blowing by outside.


So for giggles I hit the Reset password a bunch of times in a row because again if you know about security there’s something called “Fuzzing” where you throw unexpected random characters at something to see if it breaks.

Fuzzing: an automated software testing method that injects invalid, malformed, or unexpected inputs into a system to reveal software defects and vulnerabilities [.]

Generating a 135 random password is pretty akin to fuzzing and well as predicted you can make some things act a little angry / un-usual.

First Email:

All good…

Second Email:

Got randomly cut off, the half generated password didn’t work…

Third Email:
All Good

Fourth Email:

That’s right its a LINK… now… :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Stinks on SOOOO many levels.