(Rick Bird)
October 4, 2024, 1:32pm
Finally getting around to posting mine:
KIN-I-5583 - Closed\Completed Jobs Show up in Job Status Maintenance Search
Please don’t prejudge what we will or will not do… We use Epicor Ideas for any CHANGES to how the software currently works, especially if the software has done something for 20 years in one way… in that case, it normally cannot be resolved as a bug, because it will change behavior, and the new behavior may need new documentation. This is why it is considered an enhancement.
ALSO NOTE that “simple” ideas do not need a ton of votes to get into the release. in our next release of 2024.2, we have o…
KIN-I-3528 - Ability to rearrange or sort favorites
KIN-I-4504 - No time phased requirements for sales kits
Any help is greatly appreciated…
After multiple tests, I found that if I put a forcast on a sales kit, the demand for the materials does not work. I have no purchase suggestions or job suggestions for the materials.
Anyone has an idea how to create demand on a sales kit forecast?
This seems so simple yet the mighty EPICOR makes this difficult.
KIN-I-5588 - Optional Setting: “Unfirm” jobs should not generate purchasing demands for materials on the job that aren’t in stock