Freight Billing Information

I’ve created a BPM in 9.05.702A to pull in third party freight billing information. It’s pulling all information with the exception of
the country code. I have verified the country is correct in the Ship To Manifest Info Billing sheet. Why doesn’t this pull in with the rest of the data? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

/* get cust frt billing method */

For Each ttOrderHed Where ttOrderHed.Company = cur-comp,

Each ShipToMFBill where ttOrderHed.Company = ShipToMFBill.Company and

ttorderHed.CustNum = ShipToMFBill.CustNum and ttorderhed.ShipToNum = ShiptoMFBill.ShipToNum.

Assign ttOrderHed.PayFlag = ShipToMFBill.PayBTFlag.
Assign ttorderhed.PayAccount = ShipToMFBill.PayAccount.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTAddress1 = ShipToMFBill.PayBTAddress1.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTAddress2 = ShipToMFBill.PayBTAddress2.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTCity = ShipToMFBill.PayBTCity.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTState = ShipToMFBill.PayBTState.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTZip = ShipToMFBill.PayBTZip.
Assign ttorderhed.PayBTCountryNum = ShipToMFBill.PayBTCountryNum. End.