Form Customization Checkbox not working

We are running Epicor 10.2.300.4 and I am trying to add a checkbox to the Order Entry Release tab. I have defined a Boolean UD field on OrderRel table and regened the database model. I have added the checkbox to the screen and set the EpiBinding to my field. No data is saved to the UD field, the checkbox if clicked stays that way when changing release number. I have done this before with no problem. What am I missing?


Did you close the Order Entry screen and re-open it afterward?

Recycle the app pool and restart the client completely? I assume yes since the Custom field is showing in the EpiBinding.

Closed the client. Reopened. No change. I didn’t clear cache, will try that tomorrow.

Don’t know what to say. Today this is working as expected.

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This same thing just happened to me on 2022.1.21. This was on the OrderHed, but the same exact situation. New UD boolean field shows up, but data is not saving correctly. In my case I noticed that when I went back into the customization, the EpiBinding itself was not saved, and would not save correctly even after a client cache clear.

Restarted the client, and the EpiBinding was already there and everything worked as expected.