Forcing a user log off

Is there a simple way to log off a user in Epicor 10. I have researched and can’t find a way to force a user who’s login is preventing other operations because the user forgot to log off and they are not here to log off Epicor.

Delete their session from admin console.


I have been in the Admin Console and looked under Tools as was suggested by a post I saw. But I can’t seem to find the sessions

In the tree on the left, drill down to the endpoint and expand it. Click on Users. Should see a list of users. There should be a delete option on the right side.

If you are looking for a session that is expired or suspended, you may need to show “Available” sessions (a checkbox on the right side).

Also, newer versions have a screen inside of Epicor/Kinetic called Session Manager.

Do you mean log users out of Kinetic or log employees out of jobs?