Force users to Print Edit List before posting AP invoices in AP Invoice Entry window

We are trying to impose a condition to force users to Print Edit List before posting the invoices, like the posting in AP Payment / AP Payment Instrument as there were issues with the wrong GL being hit when an invoice is posted. Can you please guide on how we can achieve this?


one way I have performed this is through security.

  1. user 1 is only able to enter new ap invoices and print edit lists… but they are NOT allowed to post them.
  2. User 2 is only able to POST invoice batches. Part of their procedure is to view the edit list before posting.

Another way I have done this same thing, is to make a BPM that disallows the creator of the batch from posting their own batch. This is similar to above, except it has logic involved. SO you might have the AP person post the AR batches and vise versa. In both cases the person who creates the batch can print the edit list, but relies on a second person to do the actual post.


Hi, thank for your input. We actually have different users to enter and post the invoices. But sometimes, they are posted without viewing the Edit List. We are therefore trying to make it mandatory to view the Print Edit List before posting it.


OK, i might have an idea for you… it involves BPM HOLDS…

  1. upon the creation of an AR BATCH, fire a BPM that would immediately that would create a BPM HOLD on that group. Every time the AR Header total value field changes, reset the hold (in case they print an edit list and then adjust).
  2. When the EDIT LIST is run, another BPM would remove the hold
  3. When you POST, a BPM would first check to see if there is an active hold, and if there is, then throw an error message to prevent the posting from happening.
    NOTE I have not done this particular thing before, but it should be doable. You need to figure out the Business Object that is run at each step so that you can apply the correct hold/unhold steps at the correct times.

Users are suppose to follow SOPs for operations, hence, just a reminder message would suffice the need. Means when User select post process, show them a message “Have you verified the edit list?”, and, this is easily doable thru BPM.

Thanks for the above.
However, I have a few doubts.
(1) To put the AP batch on Hold - I’ve created a boolean field and used set it to false initially. Is there any other way to achieve this?
(2) Whent the Edit List is run, remove the Hold on group - In order to achieve this, I tried finding the BO using trace logging but I got Erp.Proxy.Rpt.APInvEditImpl, but as I understand this is not a Method Directive. How do I find which BO is called when an Edit List is printed?
