I have a customer who would like to see what lots they have purchased from over the last 5 years, but I’m having trouble writing a query that can return lot numbers based on the customers invoices.
I’m using prophet 21 v12.1 and using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to find my data. I’m looking to return the following values for a certain customer in a certain time frame
- Customer ID
- Invoice Date
- Invoice No
- PO No
- Qty Shipped
- Item ID
- Item Desc
- Lot
I’m having trouble finding a link between an invoice line and it’s associated lots. I’ve got the following query going (with way to many inner joins) but this query returns every single lot starting with A or B for every invoice instead of the ones associated with the invoices.
FROM [P21].[dbo].[inv_mast] as im
INNER JOIN P21.dbo.lot as lo
on lo.inv_mast_uid= im.inv_mast_uid
INNER JOIN P21.dbo.invoice_line as il
on il.inv_mast_uid = im.inv_mast_uid
INNER JOIN [P21].[dbo].[invoice_hdr] as ih
on ih.invoice_no= il.invoice_no
INNER join P21.dbo.invoice_line
on lo.inv_mast_uid= il.inv_mast_uid
INNER JOIN P21.dbo.inv_mast_lot as iml
on iml.inv_mast_uid= lo.inv_mast_uid
WHERE im.inv_mast_uid in
(SELECT inv_mast_uid
FROM P21.dbo.invoice_line
WHERE invoice_no in(
SELECT invoice_no
FROM P21.dbo.invoice_hdr
WHERE customer_id= 102337))
AND ih.invoice_no between 5183101 AND 5221587
AND (lot like 'A%'
OR lot like 'B%')
AND il.item_id like 'ZZ-132%'
AND YEAR(lo.date_last_modified) > 2019
I’m pretty new to both Prophet21 and SQL, so any help or feedback would be much appreciated.