Find BPM / Customization that sets Date02 UD

My OrderRel_UD table has a field, Date02, which is set somewhere during the EDI Import process. The field represents the date that the EDI was imported into the system. That whole thing is working perfectly.

The issue is, I did not create that BPM/Directive/Customization/whatever, and I am trying to locate it in the system. For the life of me I cannot seem to locate where it is at. I have opened every Data/Method Directive that I can find which relates to EDI, Demand, and OrderRel with absolutely no luck.

I have searched the Ice.BPMethod and Ice.BPDirective tables as well, looking for Date02 in the Ice.BPDirective.Body field. It turned up a few results, but nothing that pertains to the EDI/Demand process.

Any other ideas where I could look to find where this Date02 field is being set at in my system?

Running a trace log maybe would give you some insight…maybe.

You can run a BAQ to search all other BAQs for that field:

	[QueryHdr].[QueryID] as [QueryHdr_QueryID],
	[QueryHdr].[AuthorID] as [QueryHdr_AuthorID],
	[QueryHdr].[Description] as [QueryHdr_Description],
	[QueryHdr].[DisplayPhrase] as [QueryHdr_DisplayPhrase]
from Ice.QueryHdr as QueryHdr
where (QueryHdr.DisplayPhrase like '%OrderRel.Date02%')

Try also searching the BpMethod table, and the BpDirective table.

I’ve searched the BpMethod and BpDirective tables and came up empty handed.

Epicor Function, maybe?

If this :point_down: is right, then you are in the version before EFx, so never mind in that case.


Yeah, that is correct, so no, that is not the case :slight_smile: