I need to provide the value (after the data is first loaded to the UI) from ReceiptRcvDtl.POLinePartNum that is in an existing customization, as a parameter to an EpiUtlraGrid that uses a BAQ (w/o the PartNum parameter to avoid the manual need to enter PartNum via parameter popup.
I currently have the grid set to an EpiBinding that references publish/subscribe C# code) like @josecgomez had in his video found within (Grid Property Changed - #6 by skearney) and I also added a button with his code to refresh it. It will load data into the grid when I click it if I have done a refresh/save (I think). However, it is ignoring the magic filtering I was hoping for and I temporarily put a TOP 10 in the BAQ while I’m getting this worked out.
I’ve also tried a DashBoard on another new sheet (all sheets are at the ReceiptDetailDockPanel1 level) with a DashBoardBrowse filter and that being subscribed to the Data View. That seemed like it was working with the filtering, but then it starting returning all the data and I could not get it working again.
I can include more details if needed…
I’ve probably missed the easy way of doing this, but learned a bunch along the way from previous expert contributors…
I’m not sure I follow… if you are using PublishSubscribe it should just work nativelly as long as you are Publishing / Subscribing to the field correctly.
Can you show us (what you are trying to do)
And share your code.
Sure and thank you…
I need the field labeled Our Part: (for which I am showing the tech info) to be the filter for the grid on the Bin Choices sheet.
Well, I did find a problem where it should have been this
baqBinChoices.SubscribeToPublisher(pub.PublishName, “PartBin_PartNum”);
and not “PartBin_PartNumber”
However, it’s still not working and I did try
string pubBinding = “RcvDtl.POLinePartNum”;
As a test, the only time I have got it to autopopulate (w/o filtering) is with this…
string pubBinding = “Part.PartNum”;
BTW, When trying to get the DashBoard way working…How to view what I set DashBoard DataView/Field to with the wizard after creation of a new CustomSheet? If I go back in and edit it the previous selections don’t show.