Hi All!
I have a customized dashboard that shows a grid at the bottom. The grid is populated by a BAQ that requests the part number. It then shows the list of revisions and operations for that part.
I would like to add a dropdown box to the tracker form that lists the available revs for the part. When you choose a rev, the grid should update to be filtered by just the selected rev. That way the grid shows only the operations for one part/rev.
Here is what I have so far. You can see that I have three text boxes at the top that have EPI bindings to the table at the bottom. So whatever part/rev/op you select from the grid at the bottom, it fills in those values.
You can see I created a BAQ to populate the BAQDropdown box. I used some code from here to try to populate the BAQcombo using a value selected from the dashboard grid.
From start to finish: the user should load this dashboard, and enter a part number as a parameter for the source BAQ. This loads up the dashboard with the bottom grid showing all the revisions and operations (PartRev, PartOper) for the parameter part. This part of it works well. However, the BAQ Combo does not populate with anything.
How can I get the BAQCombo to populate with the list of valid Revs (The revs listed in the grid at the bottom.) Then, when I select a value from that combo box, I want to filter the grid to show only the values from the box. I am going to try that part with the code I found here:
I appreciate your time and consideration.
Thank you!