Filtering Dropdown Results

How about filter on the contents of a different field is that doable?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Charlie Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

These work great but I'm dealing with a situation where I am pulling in
customer information. I would like to pull in the Customer Name, Customer
ID, and Customer Number. I'm able to do the name and the number but I can't
pull the ID through.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?



From: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups <> .com] On
Behalf Of
Alison Levy
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:50 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

This should solve your problem - see example 2

Summary: CUST Examples of setting up combo to display filtered data.

Book: Support Solutions

Page: 4492ESC



Summary: CUST How to setup a combo to bring in a list of employees
that are supervisors

CUST How do you setup a Combo to bring in
Sales Reps with a RoleCode of Coordinator?

Example 1:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a List of Employees that are


The following discusses how to customize the Shop Employee Maintenance
UI Form. THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Supervisors from the EmpBasic table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Shop Employee

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Shop Employee Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any where on the form.

7. Bind the control to DataSource EmpBasic and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field will be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName EmpBasic

EpiTableName EmpBasicList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember EmpId This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter ShopSupervisor = True

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field
to store the name otherwise it will

not be available on


Regarding the RetrieveOnActivate property reverting back to False after
setting it to true.

1) In Order for the RetrieveOnActivate to stay "True" you need to set a
value for DescColumnName to hold the Description string since it is
unavailable until Activate otherwise.

2) Also (a bug) if you set the EpiFieldName property and then blank out
the value it still has an Empty String value. This will also toggle
the RetrieveOnActivate flag to False (SCR# 49375). As a work around
you can go into <Tools><Custom XML Editor> Custom Properties Tab and
delete the EpiFieldName record

3) If your accessing table that is not already defined as a Natvie View
for the form. You may need to add the the dll for the BO for the table.

4) We have found that the DescColumnName needs to be set to some value
if you want the drop down to work. You may set it to be the save fields
used in the EpiBinding.

Example 2:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in Sales Reps with a RoleCode of


The following discusses how to customize the Sales Order Entry UI Form.
THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Coordinators from the SalesRep table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations >
Order Entry

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Order ENtry Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any on the header sheet.

7. Bind the control to DataSource OrderHed and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field that be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName SalesRep

EpiTableName SalesRepList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember SalesRepCode This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter RoleCode = "coord"

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field to
store the name otherwise it will

not be available on

Example 3:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a manual list ?

Use the EpiStaticDataList property to enter the items you would like to
be displayed in the drop down.

From: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups <> .com] On
Of lisserjm
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:56 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
Subject: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by
selecting of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance
screen. I'm trying to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried
to adapt some of the samples I've found in this group but have not been
able to do so successfully.

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a
dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is
false and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store
SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results
of this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would
have to be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one
linking in the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option
in the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account,
remove existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be
very grateful!

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.

Alison Levy | IT Manager | Mats Inc.
dir: 781-573-0291 | cell: 781-964-1698 | fax: 781-232-5191
alevy@matsinc. <> com | Ask us
about our clean, green and beautiful matting and flooring

This message is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this
e-mail by mistake. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this
email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of the company.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by selecting of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance screen. I'm trying to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried to adapt some of the samples I've found in this group but have not been able to do so successfully.

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is false and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results of this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would have to be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one linking in the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option in the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account, remove existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be very grateful!

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.
I would love to see how this is done as well I have a very similar instance
were I would love to filter results in an ultra combo.



From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:56 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by selecting
of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance screen. I'm trying
to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried to adapt some of the
samples I've found in this group but have not been able to do so

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a
dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is false
and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store
SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results of
this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would have to
be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one linking in
the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option in
the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account, remove
existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be very

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
This should solve your problem - see example 2

Summary: CUST Examples of setting up combo to display filtered data.

Book: Support Solutions

Page: 4492ESC



Summary: CUST How to setup a combo to bring in a list of employees
that are supervisors

CUST How do you setup a Combo to bring in
Sales Reps with a RoleCode of Coordinator?

Example 1:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a List of Employees that are


The following discusses how to customize the Shop Employee Maintenance
UI Form. THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Supervisors from the EmpBasic table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Shop Employee

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Shop Employee Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any where on the form.

7. Bind the control to DataSource EmpBasic and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field will be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName EmpBasic

EpiTableName EmpBasicList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember EmpId This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter ShopSupervisor = True

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field
to store the name otherwise it will

not be available on


Regarding the RetrieveOnActivate property reverting back to False after
setting it to true.

1) In Order for the RetrieveOnActivate to stay "True" you need to set a
value for DescColumnName to hold the Description string since it is
unavailable until Activate otherwise.

2) Also (a bug) if you set the EpiFieldName property and then blank out
the value it still has an Empty String value. This will also toggle
the RetrieveOnActivate flag to False (SCR# 49375). As a work around
you can go into <Tools><Custom XML Editor> Custom Properties Tab and
delete the EpiFieldName record

3) If your accessing table that is not already defined as a Natvie View
for the form. You may need to add the the dll for the BO for the table.

4) We have found that the DescColumnName needs to be set to some value
if you want the drop down to work. You may set it to be the save fields
used in the EpiBinding.

Example 2:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in Sales Reps with a RoleCode of


The following discusses how to customize the Sales Order Entry UI Form.
THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Coordinators from the SalesRep table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations >
Order Entry

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Order ENtry Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any on the header sheet.

7. Bind the control to DataSource OrderHed and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field that be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName SalesRep

EpiTableName SalesRepList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember SalesRepCode This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter RoleCode = "coord"

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field to
store the name otherwise it will

not be available on

Example 3:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a manual list ?

Use the EpiStaticDataList property to enter the items you would like to
be displayed in the drop down.

From: [] On Behalf
Of lisserjm
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:56 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by
selecting of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance
screen. I'm trying to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried
to adapt some of the samples I've found in this group but have not been
able to do so successfully.

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a
dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is
false and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store
SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results
of this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would
have to be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one
linking in the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option
in the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account,
remove existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be
very grateful!

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.

Alison Levy | IT Manager | Mats Inc.
dir: 781-573-0291 | cell: 781-964-1698 | fax: 781-232-5191
alevy@... | Ask us about our clean, green and beautiful matting and flooring

This message is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I had issues with combo boxes not working on another custom I did but maybe
with these directions it will work out ok.

I'll give it a try and get back with you all.



From: [] On Behalf Of
Alison Levy
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

This should solve your problem - see example 2

Summary: CUST Examples of setting up combo to display filtered data.

Book: Support Solutions

Page: 4492ESC



Summary: CUST How to setup a combo to bring in a list of employees
that are supervisors

CUST How do you setup a Combo to bring in
Sales Reps with a RoleCode of Coordinator?

Example 1:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a List of Employees that are


The following discusses how to customize the Shop Employee Maintenance
UI Form. THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Supervisors from the EmpBasic table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Shop Employee

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Shop Employee Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any where on the form.

7. Bind the control to DataSource EmpBasic and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field will be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName EmpBasic

EpiTableName EmpBasicList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember EmpId This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter ShopSupervisor = True

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field
to store the name otherwise it will

not be available on


Regarding the RetrieveOnActivate property reverting back to False after
setting it to true.

1) In Order for the RetrieveOnActivate to stay "True" you need to set a
value for DescColumnName to hold the Description string since it is
unavailable until Activate otherwise.

2) Also (a bug) if you set the EpiFieldName property and then blank out
the value it still has an Empty String value. This will also toggle
the RetrieveOnActivate flag to False (SCR# 49375). As a work around
you can go into <Tools><Custom XML Editor> Custom Properties Tab and
delete the EpiFieldName record

3) If your accessing table that is not already defined as a Natvie View
for the form. You may need to add the the dll for the BO for the table.

4) We have found that the DescColumnName needs to be set to some value
if you want the drop down to work. You may set it to be the save fields
used in the EpiBinding.

Example 2:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in Sales Reps with a RoleCode of


The following discusses how to customize the Sales Order Entry UI Form.
THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Coordinators from the SalesRep table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations >
Order Entry

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Order ENtry Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any on the header sheet.

7. Bind the control to DataSource OrderHed and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field that be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName SalesRep

EpiTableName SalesRepList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember SalesRepCode This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter RoleCode = "coord"

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field to
store the name otherwise it will

not be available on

Example 3:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a manual list ?

Use the EpiStaticDataList property to enter the items you would like to
be displayed in the drop down.

From: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups <> .com] On
Of lisserjm
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:56 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
Subject: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by
selecting of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance
screen. I'm trying to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried
to adapt some of the samples I've found in this group but have not been
able to do so successfully.

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a
dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is
false and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store
SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results
of this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would
have to be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one
linking in the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option
in the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account,
remove existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be
very grateful!

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.

Alison Levy | IT Manager | Mats Inc.
dir: 781-573-0291 | cell: 781-964-1698 | fax: 781-232-5191
alevy@matsinc. <> com | Ask us
about our clean, green and beautiful matting and flooring

This message is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this
e-mail by mistake. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this
email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of the company.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Sample #2 worked perfectly. Thanks Alison!
These work great but I'm dealing with a situation where I am pulling in
customer information. I would like to pull in the Customer Name, Customer
ID, and Customer Number. I'm able to do the name and the number but I can't
pull the ID through.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Alison Levy
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

This should solve your problem - see example 2

Summary: CUST Examples of setting up combo to display filtered data.

Book: Support Solutions

Page: 4492ESC



Summary: CUST How to setup a combo to bring in a list of employees
that are supervisors

CUST How do you setup a Combo to bring in
Sales Reps with a RoleCode of Coordinator?

Example 1:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a List of Employees that are


The following discusses how to customize the Shop Employee Maintenance
UI Form. THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Supervisors from the EmpBasic table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Shop Employee

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Shop Employee Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any where on the form.

7. Bind the control to DataSource EmpBasic and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field will be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName EmpBasic

EpiTableName EmpBasicList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember EmpId This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter ShopSupervisor = True

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field
to store the name otherwise it will

not be available on


Regarding the RetrieveOnActivate property reverting back to False after
setting it to true.

1) In Order for the RetrieveOnActivate to stay "True" you need to set a
value for DescColumnName to hold the Description string since it is
unavailable until Activate otherwise.

2) Also (a bug) if you set the EpiFieldName property and then blank out
the value it still has an Empty String value. This will also toggle
the RetrieveOnActivate flag to False (SCR# 49375). As a work around
you can go into <Tools><Custom XML Editor> Custom Properties Tab and
delete the EpiFieldName record

3) If your accessing table that is not already defined as a Natvie View
for the form. You may need to add the the dll for the BO for the table.

4) We have found that the DescColumnName needs to be set to some value
if you want the drop down to work. You may set it to be the save fields
used in the EpiBinding.

Example 2:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in Sales Reps with a RoleCode of


The following discusses how to customize the Sales Order Entry UI Form.
THe customization uses an Combo control to retreive a list of
Coordinators from the SalesRep table.

1. Login to Vantage and turn on developer mode by selecting Tools >

2. Go to Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations >
Order Entry

3. On the Customization and Translation form check Base Only and click

4. On the Order ENtry Form select tools > Customization.

5. On the Customization Tools Dialog form select tools > toolbox.

6. Select the Combo control and drag it any on the header sheet.

7. Bind the control to DataSource OrderHed and DataField ShortChar01

8. On the Properites Sheet set the following properties:

Properties Value to be Entered: Remarks

================ ================

DisplayMember Name This field that be
displayed in the drop down.

EpiColumns[0] Name Click the + next to
the EpiColumns to bring up the

String Collection
Editor and enter Name in the textbox.

EpiBOName SalesRep

EpiTableName SalesRepList Since EpiDataSetMode
= ListDataSet (for simple

searches) we use the
"EmpBasicList" DataTable.

EpiSort Name

RetrieveOnActivate True

ValueMember SalesRepCode This code field will
be stored in the database.

SearchFilter RoleCode = "coord"

DescColumnName Character01 Need to set a field to
store the name otherwise it will

not be available on

Example 3:

How do you setup a Combo to bring in a manual list ?

Use the EpiStaticDataList property to enter the items you would like to
be displayed in the drop down.

From: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups <> .com] On
Of lisserjm
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:56 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups <> .com
Subject: [Vantage] Filtering Dropdown Results

Today I have a UD field on the customer table that is populated by
selecting of a hard coded list of names on the customer maintenance
screen. I'm trying to change this to be dynamic (ultracombo?) and tried
to adapt some of the samples I've found in this group but have not been
able to do so successfully.

What I'm trying to do is, on the customer maintenance screen, create a
dropdown box that displays the SalesRep.Name if SalesRep.InActive is
false and SalesRep.Checkbox02 is true. I would prefer to store
SalesRep.SalesRepCode in the customer.shortchar06 (the field the results
of this dropdown is saved in). I believe the salesrep data source would
have to be created in the script editor since there isn't a one-to-one
linking in the existing data sources.

Customer.ShortChar06 can be blank so I would have to have a blank option
in the dropdown as well (e.g. customer no longer a natonal account,
remove existing value by selecting a blank in the dropdown)

If someone can help me out with the code/best way to code this I'd be
very grateful!

Jenn Lisser
Business Analyst
Dorner Mfg. Corp.

Alison Levy | IT Manager | Mats Inc.
dir: 781-573-0291 | cell: 781-964-1698 | fax: 781-232-5191
alevy@matsinc. <> com | Ask us
about our clean, green and beautiful matting and flooring

This message is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this
e-mail by mistake. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this
email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of the company.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]