File attachments won't open after updating to 10.2.600.12

Over the weekend we updated to 10.2.600.12. For the most part it was a smooth transition but now none of our users can open file attachments. An ‘Invalid Path’ error comes up when trying to open an attachment.

The path shown is valid and I can use file explorer to find and open the file.

If a file was attached after the update to 10.2.600 then it can be opened.

I have a support ticket in with Epicor but I was hoping someone here may have encountered this or may have an idea of something to try.

Here’s the solution in case someone else runs into this issue.

We had to add a ‘link’ record to Attachment Type Maintenance. Once we added that record and restarted the client(s) then attachments that were added before the update could be opened.

We also needed to change the transfer type from ‘File Transfer Using Service’ to ‘Client System Direct Copy’ for the ‘File System’ record in Attachment Type Maintenance, which is set as the company default.


Thanks for the update Carl!