Fields Missing from QuoteQty Table?

I am trying create a BAQ that will track all the jobs we are quoting and have quoted. I want to use the TotalCost field that populates on the Worksheet tab:

Looking at the EpiBinding, it looks like this field should be found in the QuoteQty table:

However, when I add the QuoteQty table to my BAQ, the TotalCost field is nowhere to be found. Does anyone have a reason for this? Is this field just hidden somewhere else, or am I unable to utilize this field for some reason?

I can probably figure out how get the total cost using calculated fields, but it seems like it would just be easier to use what is already there.

Thanks in advance!

Use the Help -> Field Help, Technical Details instead of the control’s properties.

You’ll see that isn’t from the DB. Perhaps its a view used just for populating the form, but not saved in the DB.


And that field isn’t in the table.

Fom the Dictionary viewer:


Interesting. That is kind of what I suspected, but I didn’t know where to look to find that.

Is there any way to add that to the DB for use in a BAQ, or do I need to calculate that manually?