When we close out a FS Call and go to AR Invoice to generate the invoice. We can see the FS Call in the get Field Services Calls and select the call to be invoiced. When the invoice is processed, the message shows up that 0 invoices where created. The call is then lost in the system, it no longer show up on the Get Field Service Calls.
If you go to the customer tracker, you can see the field service call and it is flagged ready to invoice. I just cant see it anymore to create the invoice.
The ready to invoice flag stays checked after it’s invoiced so I’m wondering if the billable amount for the call is $0? The get service calls action in invoice entry does not actually generate $0 dollar invoices, it only moves the job costs for accounting and marks it as invoiced. Hope this helps!
We did figure out that the labor was zero hours and have resolved that issue. Now trying to figure out how to pickup just the operation rate and not the labor rate of the employee.
For us, it was on the Time & Expense Entry side (Labor) so that the billable amount on the service call matches what will get invoiced. In the event that the labor is a fixed amount, I chose to back into the value by dividing by the hours. I personally would not mess with Invoicing if it can be avoided.
If the service call is closed and there is not revenue, go to Invoice Entry, create a group, and perform Get Service Calls. I believe this action moves the job costs even though it does not create an invoice and no longer marks the service call as “invoiced” (Epicor changed the behavior of marking them as invoiced starting sometime in 10.2). Since we rely on Service Call Center heavily, we ended up creating a data directive on JobHead to set the Invoiced field when the related call has no billable costs .
I would guess that screen shows all service calls that are not marked as invoiced. You could try creating a UBAQ to do this in a dashboard or maybe create a POST process directive BPM on the method call. As I recall, I had reported this issue to support and was told it shouldn’t be marked as invoiced if there is no invoice. Rather than fight them or spend the hours required to create a business use case, I created the BPM on job header. Hope this helps!