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Delving down into a request from Finance about variances between the GL and our Stock take. ADJ-QTY transactions in the Parttran with a direct query show 0 value for MtlBurdenUnitCost, but when you look at the Part Transaction History Tracker there is a value.

The field help shows:

Could anyone please explain to me where the cost is coming from?

We are using Average Cost if that is any help

Is this what you are looking for?
— Actual Material Burden Unit Cost = Actual Unit Cost x Material Burden Rate (on Part Record)

per the Job Costing Technical Reference Guide
PDF copy can be found in the embedded help for E10

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What do you mean by “Stock take”?? Trying to reconcile the GL Accts for Inventory (and Finished Goods) with Stock Status Report (SSR)? That rarely ever works out well. And when it does, it’s almost sheer luck…

First off, SSR doesn’t always use the correct cost. It always uses the items cost at the time the report is run. Not the cost on the date that is entered in the Stock Status Report form.

Secondly, SSR uses parttran.trandate to determine the QOH on a given date. The GL transaction (created by the Capture COS/WIP process) might not be in a different fiscal period.

@ckrusen, a bit more information. Finance is trying to work back from the GL to the last Physical inventory. What we discovered was that the frozencost on the cctag did not encorporate the burden (landed costs) at the time the Count sequence was started. Posting the stock take and running the Capture COS/WIP now they are trying to compare the GL trans with the QTY counted/frozen cost vs the GL.

So I thought I’d put some images together to show the problem…Clearly I have been looking at this for way too long. I go to take a look at the parttran and the transaction history tracker the the values are there! Go figure…

I must admit that in the Part Transaction History Tracker I thought that Mtl Mtl Unid cost was supposed to be the sum of all the MtlCosts

Picture ensues

We don’t use Burden Costs, so any of my suggestions are purely brainstorming ideas to get you thinking…

You can run the WIP Recon for a specific GL Entry and those should summarize to match the “Periodic Posting Process” entry in the GL . And I’d expect the value shown on the WIP Recon to match the product of the Mtl Unit Cost and Tran Qty columns in Part Tran History. Which should be the same as the Ext Cost column.

What costing method do you use?

Re-arange the Part Tran Hist columns so you can see all the cost columns (including ext cost)

Double check the frozen date on the Phys Inv. We had a major issue one year when a Phys Inv was setup to count on 11/30/2017, but the person fat-fingered the entry and it went in at 11/03/17. So the QOH’s that existed on Nov 3rd were used instead of Nov 30th.

We are using average. Will check the WIP recon though. Thanks @ckrusen

Kindly refer "Part Tracker -> Costs

The cost shown are Per Unit
Avg. Cost = Avg. Material + Avg. Material Burden

Purchase Order
PO No. PO.Line Part Qty Unit cost Total
1 1 A 10 10 100

Receipt Entry

