Fastenal, EDI 856, SSCC-18, Shipping Labels

Does anyone here happen to ship to Fastenal and happens to be in the midst of going through their Q3 2023 Supplier Shipping Handbook, regarding the labeling requirements for EDI vendors? :slight_smile:

We do not ship to Fastenal but we do ship to Menards who I am told has some pretty intense EDI/SSCC-18 requirements so I may be able to help.

We are trying to figure out the ‘best approach’ for handing labeling for Fastenal shipments. They have a lot of requirements for what needs to be labeled and what needs to be on those labels depending on what is on the pallet/skid. The labeling requirements change based on if there is more than 1 PO on a pallet, or multiple POs but just one part #, or if there is a single PO with multiple parts on it, etc.

All of those different scenarios have different labeling requirements. The SSCC-18 Barcode is alwalys required on the pallet level, but sometimes we need an SSCC-18 barcode on the carton level, but only if there are multiple part numbers on that pallet. If it is just the 1 part number, then the SSCC-18 isn’t needed on the cartons. Unless there are multiple POs…The scenarios are endless, heh.

My question is: What did you (or others) do to facilitate these labels, serial numbers, etc.? Did you opt just to create a Serial Number and generate an SSCC-18 for all PackNums and Cartons, regardless of the customer, and then systematically select which ones need to be printed on a specific label?

How did you handle things if you are labeling at the packing stage? (if your packing is done pre-shipment and the shipping department simply pulls off the shelf).

There seems to be so many variables that my head is spinning trying to determine the best way to go about things. On the bright side though, I do have my SSCC-18 Barcode generator working great in a BPM :slight_smile:

Yes, even though a small percentage of our customers currently require SSCC-18 labels, I am generating an SSCC-18 code for every pack.

We have different labeling requirements for different situations as well. I am currently managing this with different report styles in SSRS, relying on the people packing the orders to follow guidelines and select the correct report style when printing their shipping labels.

That is the part that worries me…


Could you change report styles automatically with APR, based on Customer? We have an APR routing rule that changes invoice report style based on what customer group (e.g. brand) they are purchasing from…

I’ll have to look into that. I’ve never used the Advanced Printing module before, but we do have it licensed.

Sounds like the Walmart’s label requirements!

I wish Epicor would make the whole EDI integration process more ‘plug and play’ like SPS Commerce does. The fact that we have to recreate the wheel for every EDI trading partner is frustrating, especially knowing that at least a handful of other companies running Kinetic have already integrated directly with these major retailers and the groundwork has already been done. 99% of nuances could easily be handled with field mapping and defining your EDI triggers.

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