Does anyone have sample code of what the C# Code would look like to look at an External Data source?
We use Doclink Smart Client, and I am looking for a way to do a pop up message if we complete a job that has not been scanned into Smart Client. I found all the tables I needed in the Smart Client SQL database, I was able to add it to Epicor as an external datasource… I can do a BAQ to the exact tables I need.
Now I am just trying to add a BPM that will look at the data or to a BAQ…
I agree with Jose that using a BAQ would be the safest and most supported approach and one that I would explore first. BAQ are very easy to call using the Dynamic BO.
I have to add a reminder though when considering solutions to everyday problems when working with E10, since E10 is 100% .net Google is your friend for anything that is non-Epicor specific.
Making a connection/query to any SQL database/table would be a garden variety effort with Google providing any number of approaches.