External Company Translation's Not Working

Hello, We are trying to set up Consolidated Purchasing within both the UK and Poland

So far we have two Companies

ELST02 - Poland

The Parts exist in both companies however we are trying to perform a global link to the part in ELST02 however there Class ID is SZUTKA compared to COUNT in the UK therefore in External Company Maintenance we have a translation to convert COUNT to SZUTKA when it hits the IM table it does not convert and we get the below error

It looks like the problem is the part class and product group, not the UOM. Have you gone into Integrated Table Workbench to see the exact values that are trying to sync?

Integrate table workbench does not show anything however what I did try was testing by setting up the same worded class and tax category in ELST02 but I get the error cannot change UOMClass once reference so it does seem it goes back to UOMClass

is there a dmt for this translations? we have a lot of them to add, so it would be easier to use dmt