External BAQ Dashboard Tracker ERROR 42000

I have attempted to create a tracker on an External BAQ Dashboard with no success. I get this error
when refreshing Dashboard with a value in the Tracker field for CPYear.

Here is the Tracker Properties window:

I did read where I should try hiding the Tracker default field and using Toolbox to insert a Numeric editor filed in Customization Tracker View. It also did not filter.

Anyone have a suggestion on how to find what is causing this error?

Just an update to clarify, this error only pops up when the CPYear tracker numeric editor field has a value in it.

Thanks for your time in advance!

@Miker I would check back in the BAQ for calculated fields that need to be wrapped up in parens and add a Param for testing of CPYear there before going to a dashboard.

Also the ECM and Enterprise Search tags will not get a lot of looks. This is just an exteranl BAQ issue.

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Ah the tags, I had a draft open on a previous question I was going to pose to the group and forgot to change the tags when I sent this one out.