External BAQ 2022.2

In an External BAQ. The format isn’t sticking on the output.

The INT format works but not DATE. It still shows DateTime. Is this a bug with External BAQ’s?


Perhaps you can create a calculated field, and convert the datetime to a date?

That is one of the options. Was trying to avoid that as we have a dozen or so External Querys that would have to be updated/dashboards tweaked.

Yeah I don’t think you are going to get much better. If its a bug, then you are going to be waiting awhile

Out of curiosity are you using SQLClient Data provider for the external datasource? We are not seeing this issue in 2022.1. It seems in this version both date and datetime returned by SQL display as mm/dd/yyyy when showing in the external BAQ editor without specifying anything in the format column. Specifying a date format appears to change the display format in this version if I pick one.

Yes we are using the SQLClent Data Provider.

Thanks for the heads up, sounds like a bug. You could try casting it to a date first if you are using a table valued function or like previous post use a calc field that is a date or string representation :man_shrugging:

thanks. I did try and cast/convert on the sql side without any success.

Looks like calc field is the way to go for now.