Exceptional Reporting of Inventory again Phantom Parts

Hi Everyone!

We’ve started the process of using Phantom BOMs in some instances to help us with scheduling, reporting and planning. This replaced the creation of 2 individual assemblies/jobs and more closely matches the reality of our shop floor. We now have the phantom BOM as our operation 10, which is reported via Advanced MES, and the manual assembly of this produced material with other existing components as our operation 20.
The process resolves some major challenges we’ve had, but we are now at the point where we need to address the exceptions - specifically how to manage cases where we don’t consume all the components produced on Op 10, which live as WIP, and we need to report to the inventory of the Phantom BOM part.
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this, and has any suggestions about how to manage this exception? Thanks in advance to all the brilliant minds out there!!

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Could you post a picture of the MOM?
After the method is placed into the job and job is engineered, if you aren’t going to use a component you could change it to zero quantity (to acknowledge the part) or just delete it.
It sound’s like you are backflushing at operation 10 the components from the phantom BOM.
other option is to return the material to stock.

Hi @LarsonSolutions , thanks for the reply! I am attaching the test job we created which hopefully helps illustrate producing a quantity on OP 10 and not fully consuming it on OP 20 before completing the job. Material 110 is the material on the phantom BOM consumed on OP 10 (all our materials are set to backflush - you are correct), and the rest of the materials required to complete the finished part are associated to OP 20.
In reality, the materials consumed on Op 10 create a Subcomponent that we can put to stock if for whatever reason we do not complete the quantity required on OP 20. In this case, the tester produced 270 units at Op 10 (1st screenshot), but only reported 180 units of the finished good on op 20 (2nd screenshot).
My question was to determine if/how to put the remaining parts molded in OP 10 to stock, if for some reason we needed to end the job prior to them being consumed on OP 20. In this case, the balance 90 units of materials that exist in limbo on Op 10 are no longer their original material of h ppo black - they are a molded part that we ideally would like to stock under the part that holds the phantom BOM (part 4060001 in the 3rd screenshot).

I’m also confused as to where to see the WIP balance, as when I check it on the job, the WIP Part and Material locations, it’s empty, but I do see the fully issued stk-mtl value in Mtl Transactions.

Last note: Screenshots are from testing completed in 2024.1.19 test enviro.

Screenshot of Op 10:

Screenshot of Op 20:

Screenshot of the Part with the Phantom BOM represented as Material 110:

Based on this, I wouldn’t use a Phantom BOM.
I would have a subassembly on the job which would allow you to receive to stock the assembly 1 from the job removing the excess costs from the job. In part setup you can also flag - Auto consume available stock when MRP runs and creates a job. Then it would allow you to issue to the next job the assemblies from stock to the job.

Thanks for looking into it! This definitely seemed like an option to us originally, but this doesn’t mesh well with Advanced MES. Considering this is an exception, hopefully we can work with out current solution for the majority of the time and handle exceptions as they arise.

Advance MES doesn’t sound too advanced :wink:
Good luck.


@EpicorGal I have used job receipt to salvage for this. Basically takes job materials out of a job as another part number. Not sure about using the phantom as an inventoried part though.
You can setup some conversion qtys in the job.
Take a look at the help file, maybe this is helpful to you or someone else finding the post.

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Hi Bryan! Apologies for the delayed reply - I was out the office. But we managed to begin testing today and this looks very promising. We will need to just adapt some reporting to ensure there is visibility when there are materials left behind on a previous op that is linked to a phantom BOM so that we can quickly and easily identify and report the quantities out of WIP. Really appreciate your wisdom as always!

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