I have a BAQ report that runs fine in when PDF is the output format, but creates an “error” in the excel file when Excel is the format selected.
The “error” is that a field that calculates to zero, is being displayed as text, with a value 0.000000000000000000
PDF Output is what is expected:
(the report highlights the line. The red box is the field in question)
The Excel format introduces an error
(the report highlights the line. The red box is the field in question)
the expression of that field is:
=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.iif(Fields!Part_CostMethod.Value = "A", fields!Calculated_Avg_Total.Value, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.iif(Fields!Part_CostMethod.Value = "S", Fields!Calculated_Std_Total.Value, Fields!Calculated_Last_Total.Value)) * Fields!PartBin_OnhandQty.Value